Franck Olivier Biya will run for president in 2025

– National Bureau of Franckist Movement reveals in Buea, Sunday, May 14

– Says Franck Biya is fully aware of the activities of the FCMPU SW and has pledged his unflinching support
– FCMPU SWRegional Delegate Hon. Albert Mukete says the Franckist Movement is no child’s play; tells members to be committed
– FCMPU National S.G urges sympathisers to remain loyal and dedicated to the movement
– SW Regional Executive Bureau installed and told to be duty conscious


By Ikome Christie-Noella Eposi in Buea

With their motto being “Once a Franckist, Always a Franckist”, sympathisers of the Franckist Citizen Movement for Peace and Unity of Cameroon (FCMPU) of the South West Region headed by the regional executive bureauon Sunday, May 14,2023 converged to install the Southwest regional bureau and hold a working session with the sub-divisional delegates in the South-West Region.

Taking place at the Cultural Center of the Regional Delegation of Arts and Culture in Buea, the assembly witnessed the presence of the National Secretary General, Prince Obosso Epupu who represented the FCMPU National Coordinator, Fidele Alain Owona for the national tour to the SWR. Also spearheading the session was the FCMPU Regional Delegate of Fako, Honourable Albert Kai Mukete and the Vice President, Vivian Chibili.

The National S.G, Prince Obosso Epupu revealed that the action carried out by the FCMPU is not a joke. “We are concerned with the supreme magistracy of Cameroon after President Paul Biya. Franck Biya has officially confirmed his candidacy for the next presidential elections. Relaying Franck Biya’s words, Prince Epupu read;

“I owe so much allegiance to the Franckist Movement because they have given me reasons to believe in them. With the coming of the Franckist Movement, I have been thrown a red carpet and I just have to walk on it”, Franck Emmanuel Olivier Biya revealed through the Franckist movement.

 Prince Obosso urged the SW Bureau to double their mobilization efforts as there is no time.

The Regional Delegate, Hon. Albert Kai Mukete in his address said the time is now and the movement is no child’s play. He urged sympathisers to wake up from slumber and take the bull by the horn. “I affirm my unwavering and unflinching support and commitment for this course. As the chief shepherd of the region, I am going to mobilise all the living elements of this region to ensure that the SW gives its maximum support”.

The Regional Delegate added that the Southwest has long been in the deficit as far as this is concerned so they (bureau of the SW) will also love to be at the table when the national cake is being shared. “We need to have a massive turnout as far as our civic responsibility is concerned. The time is now, have your cards and let us register massively”. He advised. He told sympathizers to thread carefully and also be ready to take risks for the movement.

SW FCMPU sympathizers present in Buea for the installation of the SW Regional Executive and working session of sub-delegates

The Divisional Delegate, Alfred Esingie adding his voice to the others said the youths of Fako are strongly behind their champion; Franck Emmanuel Olivier Biya. “The main reason we are here is because we have our nation at heart. We stand as a generation that will decide the future of our nation. We will be glad to be remembered for our tireless efforts to push this vision to its realization especially in moments like this when we don’t know what happens next”.

Honourable Albert Kai Mukete was installed as the FCMPU Regional Delegate for the Southwest, Illoh EmobeIngeke as Assistant Delegate, Bie Lilian Mbando as Secretary General, Elongue Narcisse Joel as Deputy secretary, Sesonge Guillaume Masoma as Treasurer, Mercy Dipita Kwane as Financial Secretary, Nkwenkam Fidelis as auditor, Ekome Romanus Ehoge as Communication and Public Relation Officer and Barrister Ebi Stanley Ekwalla as Legal Adviser, Mengalle Henry Epie as Development Officer, Ekema Emmanuel Likini as Officer in charge of Ethics and Citizenship, Ekole Bazil Najembe as Officer in charge of discipline, Ngoe Ngessa Francis as technical adviser 1, Ako Tambe John as technical adviser 2 and Ndape Sally Georgette as technical adviser 3.

In an interview with the press, the newly installed Regional Delegate, Hon Albert Mukete said the movement has as primary objective and target to get at least 10 million youths registered in the electoral register by 2025. “With this number we are sure that by 2025 we can and we will get to where we want to be”.

The installed Regional Executive members were called upon to be duty conscious, loyal and dedicated to the movement.

The members of the movement were also called upon to use soft yet convincing words/statements to infiltrate the minds of persons in the various communities around the SW region.

During the working session, sympathisers had exchanges, shared worries, ideas as to what needs to be done to take the movement forward. Their worries were clarified by the National S.G and the Regional Delegate for the SW who assured the sympathisers not to worry about anything because everything is under control and is on the right footing.

In preparation for the upcoming national day celebrations, sympathizers at the various divisions/sub-divisions strategised on what to do to ensure a smooth and successful celebration come May 202023.

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