Hon. Etombi Gladys reaches out to forces of law and order

After her goodwill gesture some weeks back to women suffering from vagina fistulas, Honourable Etombi Gladys Ikome, Member of Parliament for Fako East Constituency, has donated four tables and eight chairs to the special branch police station in Mile Four, Limbe. She handed these items to the Special Branch Commissioner, Josue Mengue Obam, on May 29, 2017.

Back row-Honourable Etombi Gladys Ikome (middle) poses with Commissioner Josue Mengue Obam (left) and sympathizers
Back row-Honourable Etombi Gladys Ikome (middle) poses with Commissioner Josue Mengue Obam (left) and sympathizers

The Honourable said she felt elated and privileged to assist the police force, as such gesture she added will bring life to the Mile Four Community: “The police station is a place which helps everybody. They are there for our security and protection and hence should be comfortable when carrying out their work. I am very happy that the request came to me and I was able to meet the need.”
With regards to their work, Hon. Etombi appreciated their efforts in maintaining peace and tranquility in the Mile Four neighbourhood, which is the gateway into the City of Limbe: “I will like to appeal forces of law and order to ensure to practice the proper ethics of their profession, even though there are many people who have negative impressions about them. And to the community, I urge us to learn to appreciate people for the services they render to us and not always capitalize on their weaknesses. Nobody is perfect.”
While handing the tables and chairs, the Honourable noticed that the floor of the office was covered with water from the heavy downpour the previous night. It was then that the Commissioner revealed that their office is always flooded after during heavy rains.
“I have seen some of their challenges and will do my best to channel their worries to the right quarters for adequate solutions.”
Receiving the donations on behalf of the special branch, Commissioner Josue Mengue Obam, expressed hi heartfelt thanks to the Member of Parliament: “What the Honourable has done for us today has really touched my heart. I lack words to appreciate and express our emotions to her. We are overwhelmed by this and pray that she continues the good work.”
Meantime, the subsection president of the CPDM in Mile Four, Mr. Etchu, said such gesture to the police station in their community, is a sign that the Honourable has them at heart. He equally hoped that such benevolence will extend to other areas of the community.
It should be noted that the office space which the special branch is occupying was offered to them by one of the elites of the Mile Four community.

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