By Doh James Sonkey
The Minister of Public Works, Emmanuel Nganou Djoumessi has declared that “no property will be destroyed without the owner receiving compensation from the State in construction works of the phase II of the Douala-Yaounde motorway”. The Public Works Minister was speaking last January 9, 2025 in the conference hall of the Emergence Ministerial Building in Yaounde as he met with Traditional Authorities and other elites of the Nyong and Kelle and Ngog Mapubi Divisions of the Centre region in a bit to up lift barriers blocking the deployment of the company on the field.

discussing with Governor Naseri Paul
Bea and elites
Speaking in the presence of the Centre Regional Governor, Naseri Paul Bea, the Divisional Officers of the two divisions, political and traditional elites, the Minister reiterated that the project will contribute to the socio-economic development of the neighbouring villages as 27 wells will be constructed, two classrooms to be constructed, six toilets to be constructed, donation of benches in ten schools and rehabilitation of the Ngog Mapubi Council etc.
Minister Nganou Djoumessi explained to reporters that “because there is no money at the moment to compensate all the occupants of the 200m on both sides of the project, we will begin by paying only those that occupy 100m. But we want to reassure everyone that once the money will be made available, we will compensate everyone.”
Following the official launching of the second phase last October 2024, the population of Bibodi blocked the works last December 17, 2024 demanding for the payment of their damaged properties.
Governor Naseri Paul Bea said the Compensation Commission has already finished their work and the report sent to the Prime Minister’s Office for the signing of the compensation papers in the coming days.
The contractor is the same who did works for the first phase, that is China First Highway Engineering Company.
The Governor of Centre Region, Naseri Paul Bea explained that, “the population is complaining that buildings and plots that were destroyed before the compensation commission came to the field should be reevaluated.”
“We are all concerned with the arrival of motorway in our area”, Traditional Ruler of Ham Village said.
Ngo Telep Christine, Regional Councilor and President of Follow Up Committee of the motorway project told reporters that “the Minister came with a comforting message to the population. He did not come with political promises. He listened to us and we are going back satisfied to continue with sensitisation works so that the works should advance.”