Onacc has raised alarms concerning increased meningitis outbreaks with the return of dust storms

Outbreaks of this disease are predicted to arise in the three northern regions of —Adamaoua, North, and Far North-as the year winds down. This warning comes from the recent alarm raised by the National Observatory on Climate Change (Onacc). The organization asked all parents to immunize their wards against meningitis. Also, Onacc-a government organization charged with study on climate-mediated impacts on populations-has also urged that people take every precaution to ensure their safety against this lethal infection.

The increasing concern with Onacc about incoming meningitis cases or even an outbreak stems from the condors in these northern parts. The climate is characterized by constant dust clouds blown by clement plains. “The prevalence of strong winds bring dust that aggravate health risks in the areas,” mentioned Onacc.

There is limited hope that the conditions shall avail some respite. The forecast by Onacc states that the area is still experiencing dry weather and there is high likelihood that in January they will experience even more dust and hotter weather than what prevails.
Besides, meningitis, Onacc is years off the high concentration of dust in the air increases the hopes of an increase in those diseases in northern populations. An increase in conjunctivitis infections also is possible, compounding the public health challenges.

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