Atanga Nji goes tough on commercial motorcycle riders

By Doh James Sonkey

The Minister of Territorial Administration, Paul Atanga Nji last September 26, 2023 at the Yaounde City Council Hall chaired a crisis meeting with syndicates of commercial motorcycle riders in the presence of the governor of the Centre region, Naseri Paul Bea, Mfoundi Senior Divisional Officer, Forces of Law and Order and administrative authorities in the region. Speaking at the occasion, he gave alarming figures of insecurity in the Centre region for the months of August and September 2023 alone ‘‘more than 700 assaults, 300 cases of rape, 110 diversion  of routes and more than 900 accidents caused by motorcycles, with some of the accident victims rendered incapacitated for life.’’

The MINAT boss added that the time for administrative tolerance has ended, and all motorcycle riders must comply with the law, by being identified, putting on formal attires with numbers and circulating within their specified areas. He said defaulters will face the heavy arm of the law.

He wondered aloud how someone could buy a motorcycle for FCFA450,000 and when it is impounded by municipal or administrative authorities for one reason or the other, the person abandons it. To him, those are the motorcycle used by some unscrupulous people to assault innocent citizens. He called on syndicate leaders to sensitize motorcycle riders because the law is no respecter of persons.

‘‘Administrators, Forces of Law and Order are like a grinding mill and those unscrupulous motorcycle riders are like ingredients.’ Declared the MINAT boss.

MINAT Boss, Atanga Nji instructs motorcycle riders on best ways to go

The Minister of Territorial Administration, Paul Atanga Nji said out of the 9 documents requested from motorcycle owners, the government is asking them to produce only 4 documents.

The Minister gave October 30, 2023 deadline for commercial motorcycle riders to get the necessary documents so that people can be transported safely.

He decried that the profession of commercial motorcycle riders has been invaded by thieves.

Identity Card, Driving License A, CEMAC plate etc are some of the papers owners of commercial motorcycles ought to have.

Mbazoa from Yaounde 4 said “Thank you Mr Minister, you are a father. If not we could have been somewhere now answering for our actions. Thank you for waking us from sleep. We will give you the expected results. We want to be parts of that grinding mill and unscrupulous individuals become the ingredients.”

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