UB community hail VC Prof. Ngome for vision, commitment to excellence

By Ikome Christie-Noella Eposi in Buea

The University of Buea community has presented New Year wishes and reaffirmed their support to the Vice Chancellor of the University, Prof. Ngomo Horace manga this Friday, February 16, 2024 at the Dorothy Limunga Njeuma Amphitheatre of the University.

Academic and non-teaching staff, the registrar, deans, directors, deputy VC’s, and students were present in their numbers to extend their New Year wishes (handshakes) and reaffirm their support to the University boss especially in ensuring that the mission and the vision of the university is met.

UB Registrar Prof. Eneke Bechem handing special gift to VC Prof. Ngomo

Talking on behalf of the university community was the registrar of the University of Buea, Prof. Eneke Bechem who recalled that 10 years have passed since the holding of such a ceremony on campus. Highlighting the achievements of the university under the distinguished leadership of the VC, the registrar noted that despite the turbulent times (the crisis, the covid-19 pandemic amongst others), the university of Buea successfully stood the test of time.

She thanked the VC for his vision, passion and commitment to excellence which have been the driving force behind the success of the university. “You have instilled in us the spirit of hard work, team work and determination through your guidance, support and encouragement. Your incredible leadership and mentorship has pushed us this far”. The registrar averred.

Citing some challenges faced such as insufficient pedagogic infrastructure and space, insufficient office space, limited student accommodation on campus, continued insecurity etc, the registrar however noted that the challenges are not insurmountable. The university she added shall continue to solicit government to help solve some of the challenges.

VC receiving gift from UB community staff

“As we look ahead to the challenges and opportunities that await us this year, let us do so with the spirit of unity, resilience and optimism. Together we have the power to overcome any obstacle and achieve greatness beyond measure. Let us embrace the new year with an open heart and open minds ready to seize every opportunity and make a positive impact on our university, community and the world at large” the registrar concluded.

In his remark, the Vice Chancellor of the University of Buea, Prof. Ngomo Horace Manga said “this is a unique opportunity to evaluate the past years and forge ahead. This event gives each member of our community the opportunity to share a moment of our collective friendship. It has been a period of extreme challenges since i took up service at the helm of this institution starting with the socio-political crisis and the devastating emergence of the covid-19 pandemic. Nonetheless, despite all the challenges, we succeeded to organize convocation ceremonies, UB 30th anniversary etc.

“In the light of these positive developments, we can look ahead with enthusiasm. I feel optimistic about what the year holds for us. The University of Buea as an institution is creditably fulfilling the assignment given to higher education through successive policy documents”. The VC assured all that the University shall continue to provide the necessary administrative facilitation to enable researchers carryout their grant related activities.

“Despite our excellent results, we would not rest on our laureates. We will continue to ensure that discipline and increased productivity for our workers are top actions on our list. We should refrain from the culture of smearing colleagues on the social media and elsewhere. Let us shun from behaviors that don’t portray our values and aspirations. Let us continue to work together so that UB remains the place to be”. The VC concluded.

Talking to the press, Prof. Ngomo Horace Manga said “the vision is to ensure that the university improves on its performance and its mission of teaching, training, research and outreach activities. Courses have expanded and we are far deep into professionalization. This is a moment of conviviality. This new year presentation activity contributes to peace in our environment as it ensures that those things that separate us are put to bed and we move forward to achieve our objectives”.

University of Buea community presenting their new year wishes to the VC, Prof. Ngomo Horace Manga



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