Promise made, promise kept! Minister Nalova’s push for rehabilitation of Fako roads yields!


Prof. Nalova Lyonga is currently changing the face of politics in Fako Division, bringing to light integrity and reliability to shape the course. She who is Cameroon’s Minister of Secondary Education and who doubles as head of the Permanent Divisional Delegation PDD of the Central Committee of the Cameroon People’s Democratic Movement CPDM in Fako Division, is one who operates on a platform of result-oriented speeches.

The ongoing rehabilitation works at the Mile 16 road stretch leading into the historic town of Buea, though engaged under the ministry of Public Works, is being tilted towards Prof Nalova, as another of her action-driven assured promise to improve the lives of Cameroonians and her Fako people in particular.

Note that Prof. Nalova had firmly made a promise during a recent outing in Limbe, that the road network across Fako division will experience a facelift in the near future. It did not take too long after the said utterance, for rehabilitation works to take the stage at one of the most challenging stretch of roads in Fako (along Mile 16 Bolifamba), which hitherto, served as a nightmare for commuters, causing unimaginable traffic and hardship into and out of Buea.

The rehabilitation work along the said stretch which it is believed will round up in few days has brought smiles to the faces of drivers, passengers and other road users. A driver who plied the road as the works went on was quoted as saying that, “I am very happy this work is being done. This particular area was so bad that it caused us a lot of problem. It slowed down work and even damaged vehicles.”

The SUN has gathered that after the Mile 16 stretch, rehabilitation works will continue on other difficult spots like the Mile 14 stretch, Mutengene market area, Tiko-Douala stretch, Mutengene-Limbe among others.

Some close-watchers have qualified Prof. Nalova as a no-nonsense fellow, who although soft-spoken, remains direct and resolute. Reference is also being made to another promise which she made as PDD of CPDM Fako to unite opposing camps within the party in the Division. Reports attest that she has been doing much to see that happen. The SUN gathered that hitherto tensions in CPDM Fako 1A, III and IV Sections are currently dying out as the days go by. Prof. Nalova is so far being recognised as the political bulldozer of CPDM Fako politics, bringing in a fresh approach of talking less and doing more.

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