43-year-old woman installed as Ndop central DO

By Wambo Emmanuel in Ndop
The first ever female civil administrator in Cameroon, Enjoh Tembuh Regina has been installed in Ndop central sub division as the Divisional Officer, D.O. The installation is coming at a time where the subdivision among others are in the heat of civil disobedience of ghost towns and other social crises which she is expected to handle. The subdivision is also well reputed for crises such as; land disputes, chieftaincy quarrels among others.
DO Enjoh taking command
DO Enjoh taking command
Reasons why in his welcome address, the deputy mayor of Ndop council presented to the new civil administrator, D.O for Ndop central the problems faced by the people on a day to day basis.
He noted to the new D.O that, she is taking over the Ndop central subdivision under the backdrop of numerous issues of great concerns among which are; the unfinished Bamali chieftaincy crisis, the increasing threat of the HIV/AIDS, the maintenance of peace and order given the increasing crime wave in the subdivision, the challenges of peaceful resolution of farmer-grazer problems, inter-tribal wars, the promotion of hygiene and sanitation and the on-going socio-political unrest plaguing the Northwest and Southwest regions of Cameroon with calls for civil disobedience, boycott of end of course examinations and threats toward the start of the 2017/2018 school year among other uncertainties.
The Senior Divisional Officer for Ngoketunjia, Kuela Norbert Valerie, while installing the 43-year-old civil administrator, Enjoh Tembuh Regina, as the D.O for Ndop central reminded her of her duties as an administrative authority. She is expected to use only the law as the tools of her administration. Carry on her functions with no fear or favour, void of bribery and corruption. Being the daughter of the soil from Momo division of the Northwest region, the SDO urged her to use law of the land by acquainting herself with traditional rulers to achieve her goals as an administrator.
Enjoh Tembuh Regina replaces Poss Alex Francis, transfered to work in Nyong and Kelle division of the Centre region in same capacity. Before his transfer, he worked in the Ndop central division for over six (6) years. As an administrator, he was a traditional ruler. He was appreciated by the SDO for his tactfulness in handling crises while performing his duty.
It should be noted that, the new DO for Ndop central before her appointment, worked at the North governor’s office as the Divisional chief of police. She is holder of a degree in private law. She has worked as a civil administrator in various capacities and is full of experience to meet the challenges announced to her by her boss, the SDO and the mayor of Ndop council.

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