ASCOA urges Cameroonians to be ambassadors of peace on World Peace Day

By Ikome Christie-Noella Eposi
Under the theme “Together for peace, Respect, Safety and Dignity for All”, the World Peace Day was commemorated in Cameroon by various institutions, governmental and non-governmental organizations.
The Association for Community Awareness (ASCOA) made the day more remarkable by organizing a conference to sensitize the people on the importance of peace in the country especially during a crisis period.
ASCOA is a non-governmental organization aimed at improving the awareness of the local community on HIV/AIDS related stigma, promoting peace building in the society, fostering environmental protection, fight against climate change, supporting children and empowering women and girls to improve their socio-economic participation and boost their wellbeing. Reasons why the members took upon themselves to preach and teach peace on the World peace day.
Key note speakers at the seminar focused on what peace is all about and why it is necessary for citizens in a country like ours especially at such moments where there is political and social unrest.
They also talked on Peace and the media, Objectivity, fairness, balance reporting which are supposed to be practiced by the media to bring peace.
Dr.Mrs Teresa Elad stated that without peace in a country, there cannot be growth/development in that country. Peace, she said, was the solid foundation behind every successful nation.
“There is no country in the world where everything goes on perfectly well… there must be one or two issues to be resolved. But what actually makes a difference is the manner in which we handle our various issues” she added.
The close to 40 participants in the hall (both ASCOA members and non-members) made the conference an interactive one as series of questions where posed to the main speakers at the finish of their presentations to clarify some doubts. Everyone was advised on what to do or the measures to be put in place to ensure peace in the country rather than adding fuel to the flames.
As leaders of tomorrow and patriotic citizens of the country, the audience was urged to think, act and propagate peace wherever they go.
Talking on Peace and the Media, Mme Frida Leyina, Corporate Communicator talked on the role of the media in bringing and maintaining peace in the country. She noted that, especially with the advent of social media, there is a lot of partisan information which spreads like wild fire and people turn to believe so much in it.
She advised that each and everyone should be able to decipher good from bad as well as censor information and its sources.
“Some media organs instead of helping to make peace mar the country by propagating war and conflict, this is not a good example of what the media is supposed to portray” she stated.
Present at the conference which took place at the Charles Lwanga Parish, Molyko was the Divisional Officer for Buea, Rev Father Vicent Mesue, Dr Mrs Teresia Elad(CEO for ASCOA), Mr Albert Mbiatem and Mrs Frida Leyina.

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