Popular Meme Cocoa merchant loses FCFA 140 million to bandits

A popular Cocoa merchant based in Banga –Bakundu, village along the Kumba –Buea axis in Mbonge Sub Division, whose only name we got as Ivo is reported to have lost the sum of FCFA 140 million to thieves.
Report says he had supplied cocoa to TELCAR Company and on Thursday November 9, 2017, he was in Muyuka to collect money to pay his agents and some other farmers who had supplied him cocoa during the week.
After collecting the sum of FCFA 140million he returned to Banga-Bukundu where his business premises is located late at night. According to reports, the cocoa merchant reportedly left the money in the cocoa store and went home due to tiredness.
When he returned in the morning to commence the days’ activities, he realized that the FCFA 140 million has been stolen. The cocoa merchant collapsed several times in front of onlookers and his customers and agents who had come to collect their pay.
As we went to Press, elements of the Banga Bakundu gendarmiere Brigade have opened investigation into the alleged burglary while the Business man who is reported to be in an unconscious state has been rushed to Buea.

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