Man fined FCFA 200,000 for hanging a pregnant goat

A quarter head in Bonadikombo Mile 4 village in Limbe has been fined to pay the sum of FCFA 200,000 for killing a pregnant goat belonging to one Doctor Tembe Pascal on Wednesday November 22, 2017.
The SUN gathered that the accused is said to have untied a pregnant goat from where it was grazing and took it to an incomplete structure where he executed it by hanging.
The SUN later learned that the quarter head has been noted for cruelty against animals. The hanging of the pregnant goat is said to be the second case within one month. It’s alleged that the accused quarter head stoned another goat a week earlier before hanging it.
After the second incident, the quarter head was dragged to the third district police station in Mile 4 where he admitted to stealing the goat but refuted allegations that he is the one who hanged the goat.
He was asked to pay the sum of FCFA 200,000 for the two goats hanged but pleaded to pay FCFA 100,000.
Neighbours of the quarter head questioned why a man of that repute would treat an animal with such cruelty. They however resigned to the assumption that he may have had some personal scores to settle with the goat owner.

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