Okie Johnson Ndoh installed as new CSPH boss

Newly installed Director of the Hydrocarbons Prices Stabilization Fund, Okie Johnson Ndoh has promised to deliver the expected results at the helm of this strategic institution charged with the task of stabilizing prices of petroleum products in the country. He took the commitment last December 15, 2017 as he was being installed into his new functions alongside the Deputy Director of CSPH, Manzoua Veronique veuve Moampea Mbio.

CSPH Director, Okie Johnson backed by his Deputy, Manzoua Veronique
CSPH Director, Okie Johnson backed by his Deputy, Manzoua Veronique

The ceremony that pulled a huge crowd of political elite from Kupe Muanenguka Division such as Prof Elvis Ngolle Ngolle etc, Senator Mbella Moki from Buea, the Director General of Treasury, Monetary and Financial Cooperation from the Ministry of Finance, Moh Sylvester from the North West, was chaired by CSPH Board Chair and Trade Minister, Luc Magloire Mbarga Atangana in the presence of Minister Delegate at the Presidency in charge of Supreme State Audit, Mbah Acha Rose, Minister Delegate at the Presidency in charge of Public Contracts, Abba Sadou.
In his installation speech, Trade Minister, Luc Magloire Mbarga Atangana while congratulating the duo for their appointment reminded them that though they are taking over a healthy structure, they will not be spared in their mission as they must work extremely hard to ensure that enough funds are available in reserve to tackle any eventuality in the petroleum sector.
The 55 years old Okie Johnson Ndoh who hails from Nguti Sub Division in the South West Region is a graduate from ENAM. He is a civil administrator of exceptional class. Before his appointment last December 11, 2017 by the President of the Republic, Paul Biya, Okie Johnson was Technical Adviser No1 at the Supreme State Audit Office.
On her part, the 51 years old Manzoua Veronique who hails from the South Region holds a Bachelor Degree in Economic Sciences and is not a new comer in the house given that she has served at CSPH for over 13 years.
They took over from former Director, Elung Paul Che who managed CSPH for 4 years, 8 months and Deputy Director, Alam Emmanuel who has served in that capacity for over 18 years.
In a chat with reporters at the end of the ceremony, the Director of CSPH, Okie Johnson Ndoh said “Our main challenge is to meet up with differences in the prices especially when petroleum prices are high due to constant fluctuation in the world market. Our mission now is to assure the Head of State who placed his confidence in us and the Cameroon economy that when we face this fluctuation, we will be able to be stable and meet up without any social differences or crisis that could be raised as transporters syndicates always threaten the government with strike actions each time there is speculation on fuel prices increment. We are therefore aware that if fuel prices are well stabilized, Cameroon will keep on enjoying peace as strikes will be averted.”

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