Thousands pay homage to radio icon, Muema Meombo

Thousands paid homage to Crtv icon Muema Meombo as he was finally laid to rest last Saturday December 23, 2017 in Limbe. “MM” as he was fondly called was until his demise on December 10, 2017 a communicator, tourism and business consultant.
He was one of the key brains behind the maiden edition of Limbe Arts and culture festival and has been a resource person and presenter on TV documentaries dealing with the city of Limbe, Botanical gardens, Bimbia slave settlements and culture of Bakwerian people and Fako in general.

Thousands showed up in Limbe to pay last respects to the fallen media icon with many weeping uncontrollably during his funeral. The mourners were consoled by Rev. Teke John who officiated at the funeral service at Ebenezer baptist church New Town.
During the service, he told mourners that it’s okay to mourn. In a sermon captioned “God is my refuge and helper” drawn from psalm 46:1-4 Rev. Teke John comforted the wife and mourners and prayed that God should give everyone perfect peace at this difficult moment.
“Today’s service reminds us that life is very sweet but brief, each and everyone of us will face our creator and give account to God, God keeps us to know him and encounter him at the end” Rev. Teke told mourners.
“Funerals, as we all know, are usually sad occasions but it’s vital that we gather to sympathize with the mother and children” Rev. Teke told reporters
He also urged the mourners to impact lives of many while they are still alive despite the economic and political challenges they go through. He told the mourners that when their heart is broken God is always close to them in this world that is full of pains.
Muema Meombo M’ Esanja Loni Fondly called “MM” was born in Victoria on October 4, 1956 to Muema M’ Esanja and Likowo La Muema. He attended Cameroon, Baptist Mission (CBM) school in New Town, where he obtained his First School Leaving Certificate, later offered him a job as a pupil teacher. He later got admission into Baptist Training College Soppo Buea in 1968.
In keeping with his quest for more,he enrolled for correspondence courses which enabled him obtain the London General Certificate Of Education, ordinary level in 1976.
He was later recruited into the then ministry of information and culture as a broadcasters where he started his journalism career and was posted to the national station of what was then radio Cameroon.
He later passed a special entrance examination and was admitted into the Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences of University of Yaounde to study modern letters and then went to Cairo to obtained a diploma in Broadcasting.
He returned into the country and was appointed Chief for Variety Music and Entrainment at the National station of Radio Cameroon. He was later transferred to Buea where he served as chief of programs and news, where he served the nation for three decades.
Crtv South West station manager William Wasaloko said it was very difficult task to talk about Muema Meombo’s departure, as a Victoria boy he had an open door policy, and has as his watch word the ‘young man shall grow’. He added that he was very instrumental to the journalism family.
On her part the wife Enanga Meombo said her heart is filled with so much pain and sorrow because not only have she lost a husband but a friend. “’M’, are you really gone?” She questioned. She however said she knows it going to be a long road without him but the good Lord giveth and taketh.
Crtv sport communicator Njomo Kevin on his part said in recent years they shared nostalgic feelings with the old timers band on his TV show on CRTV “The bridge”.
MM leaves behind his wife, three children, grandchildren, friends and colleagues to mourn him

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