Emmanuel Ndjere officially commissioned at the head of Special Criminal Court

The solemn hearing marking the official entry into office of the new President of the Special Criminal Court, (SCC) Emmanuel Ndjere appointed by the President of the Republic, Paul Biya last June 7, 2017 took place last February 2, 2018 in the court hall of the Centre Court of Appeal in Yaounde under the chairmanship of Minister of State, Minister of Justice and Keeper of the Seals, Laurent Esso.
In his special communication at the occasion, Minister of State, Laurent Esso while stating that handling criminal proceedings is not easy, especially as concerns misappropriation of public funds, told Emmanuel Ndjere to render justice at the Special Criminal Court with total impartiality to all in accordance with the laws, regulations and customs of the Cameroonian people without fear, favour or malice.

SCC President and Procureur General pose with  Justice Minister Esso and other govt officials
SCC President and Procureur General pose with
Justice Minister Esso and other govt officials

The Justice boss advised Emmanuel Ndjere that for him to carry out his mission in absolute independence, he has a compass of three components; the law setting up the Special Criminal Court as amended, the Criminal Procedure Code and the Penal Code.
The Minister of State for Justice, Laurent Esso also expressed his conviction that despite the fact that Emmanuel Ndjere spent 7 years at the Ministry of Communication as Secretary General where he was giving information to the media for public consumption, as a seasoned judicial officer, he has not lost sight of the confidential nature of criminal proceedings.
While frowning at the proliferation and spreading of rumours and false information on pending cases considered as serious impediment to the serenity of justice, he said it is advisable to wait for a matter to be enlisted before the appropriate trial court where hearings are conducted openly.
Speaking at the occasion, the Super Scale Magistrate of the Second Group, Emmanuel Ndjere with his 30 years of experience took a commitment to deliver what is expected of him at the Special Criminal Court.
The special communication of the Justice Minister was preceded by a requisition from the Procureur General at the Special Criminal Court, Mrs Ngounou Justine Aimee presenting the achievements of their institution set up since 15 October 2012.
With the role of the judiciary becoming more and more complicated, the Minister of State stated, in a democratic country where without any knowledge of the facts of the case, people are already condemned or acquitted by the public, it becomes very complex for the judiciary to judge such persons.
Among other top government officials at the ceremony were Communication Minister Issa Tchiroma Bakary and his collaborators who turned up to congratulate their former Secretary General Emmanuel Ndjere for his new promotion at the helm of the Special Criminal Court.

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