Bamenda University students receive President Biya’s laptops

By Moma Sandrine in Bamenda
On Friday February 16, staff and students of the University of Bamenda were happy to receive the Minister of Higher Education and Chancellor of Academic affairs Prof Jacques Fame Ndongo on their campus to distribute laptops to students benefiting from the presidential grant.
The vice chancellor of the institution, Prof Theresia Akenji Nkuo extended words of appreciation to the Head of State for providing students with such an essential didactic material in modern times. She also congratulated the students of the University for braving all odds and remaining focused on their studies.

Minister of Higher Education, Prof Jacques Fame Ndongo
Minister of Higher Education, Prof Jacques Fame Ndongo

Speaking on behalf of the students, the representative of the students’ president said the laptops will enable them have inclusive modern education, expose them to electronic libraries, digital learning conferences and online studies.
Two hundred and fifty (250) students were privileged to benefit from the symbolic distribution exercise out of the total of fourteen thousand and seventy-six, 14.076 students who are beneficiaries of this grant. Other students are expected to receive theirs in the days ahead
Abawa Anita, a beneficiary from the faculty of economic and management sciences told The SUN that. “I am very happy to receive the presidential grant today. I believe this laptop will help me to go a long way in my academic career.”
Another student, Fobela Clinton from the faculty of law and political science told The SUN that he was happy to be a beneficiary although the laptops given them are not up to the capacity that was announced over the state media. The PB HEV laptops have a capacity of 2GB ram, 30GB hard drive, speed of 1.44GHZ and comprising of windows 10 technology.
The symbolic distribution of laptops to students of the university was done in the restaurant of the institution under the watchful eyes of the governor of the North West Region, Adolf Lele L’Afrique, the vice chancellor of the University of Bamenda, Prof Theresia Akenji Nkuo, lecturers of the institution amongst other dignitaries.
The distribution exercise will continue in the various schools and faculties of the university in the days ahead.

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