Death threats multiply against Anglophone struggle betrayers


 As the ongoing crisis in the North West and South West Regions generally considered as the Anglophone struggle, deepens, the government has multiplied efforts to apprehend those considered to be fanning the flames of the crisis in order for the activists to face trial at the military court like Mancho Bibixy and Penn Terence and others,  unidentified individuals in the name of the Ambazonia Military an off spring of the crisis on the other hand have  multiply their calls to death threats on those considered as betrayers of the struggle promising to kill any Teacher or Lawyer citing with government, including their family members. It should be recalled that sometimes in October 2016 Lawyers and Teachers of the English Speaking Regions of Cameroon initiated a strike action against the marginalization of the two English Regions. The Anglophone Crisis has taken a different twist as the population has been radicalized due the constant burning of the houses by the military thus forcing them to relocate to the bushes. Statistics from Human Rights organizations indicates that about 80 villages have been burnt down and more deaths recorded in the two English Speaking Regions. In the face of all these, the Ambazonia defense forces have resorted to kidnapping government functionaries including Teachers, Lawyers, Civil Administrators and Traditional Rulers thus forcing family members, children and siblings, of this category of persons to flee the country for fear of the unknown.

A typical case is that of 27-year-old, Sube Keme Junior. This graduate from the University of Buea who before leaving for further studies out of the country was confronted with family problems caused by the constant exchange of bitter words between his father and mother Sube Keme Stephen and Sube Sobe Alice Senge all High School Teachers that usually ended with series of assault on his mother thus resulting to traumatic experiences on Sube Keme Junior. With the ongoing Anglophone Struggle, Sube Keme Junior’s parents were arrested alongside other leaders for initiating the Teachers Strike. With serious threats and arrests, the leaders including the Parents of Sube Keme Junior called off the strike action in their community.  As leaders of the Teachers Trade Union at the Divisional Level that initiated the strike action in 2016, Sube Keme Junior’s parents have been declared persona non gratas in their community. They have been considered betrayers of the struggle with calls from the Ambazonia forces threatening to go after their children and children of any authority considered as traitor to the struggle. This situation has gone a long way to jeopardize Sube Keme Junior’s hope of coming back to the country considering the fact he will be persecuted by the Ambazonia forces.

Recently a principal of a Government High School was kidnapped by elements of the Ambazonia forces on his way to school demanding huge ransom for his release. Situations like this abound and family members and children of this category of personalities have been forced to leave to unknown destination. The family claims that they have been facing persistent intimidation from the some Separatists

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