Biya hands Douala Referral hospital to Anglophones

By Atia Tilarious Azohnwi
In four separate decrees signed Monday, July 2, 2018, President Paul Biya put Anglophones in key positions at the Douala Referral Hospital.
Ex-Forestry and Wildlife Minister, Prof. Elvis Ngolle Ngolle replaces Prof. Nalova Lyonga as President of the Board of Directors of the Douala Referral Hospital.
Another Anglophone, Prof. Luma Henry Namme Director General of the medical facility. The associate professor of medicine is a healthcare practitioner, with expertise in Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Infectious Diseases among others.
Madam Penda Ida Calixte was appointed Deputy Director General of the Douala Referral Hospital.
Tsitsol-Jiangsu Louis-Philippe was appointed new Board Chairman of the Yaounde Obstetrical and Paediatric hospital, while Ndjientcheu Vincent de Paul and Eyenga Victor Claude are the new Director General and Deputy Director General of the Yaounde General.
The erstwhile Minister of Forestry and Wildlife and former Minister of Special Duties at the Presidency of the Republic had been in the political wilderness since he was dropped from government on December 9, 2011. He later resurfaced in October 2015 as coordinator of the CPDM academy and has been favoured by President Biya’s pen.
Ngolle Ngolle is not only a student of political science but is also an associate professor of political science and has been very involved in the politics of Cameroon since 1989-1990.
“As you very well know, intellectually, ideologically, philosophically, I am very attached to the political vision, ideology, philosophies and the policies of President Biya. I was attracted to that vision when I was a PHD student in the United States in the early 1980’s, and since then, I have not been disappointed, neither have I lost confidence in the value of the political ideology vision of the President,” he is quoted as saying.
The new Board Chair of the Douala Referral Hospital is an exponent of President Biya’s political vision and continues to be attached and committed to it
“…Between 1990 and 1996, I was not a Minister, yet, I was very involved as you know, in the political changes that occurred with the advent of the 1990 laws, the constitutional debate of 1991 to 1996, I was a member of the tripartite, I was even one of the members of one of the commissions of the tripartite – the commission that had to do with the media.
“So, I was heavily involved in the political evolution of our country within the spirit and framework of President Biya’s vision even before1990-1996. I think that it is only normal and befitting that I continue to rededicate myself and to recommit rededicate myself just like I did before 1997,” said Ngolle Ngolle addressing those who are worried about his long stay in the political cold.

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