Prof Wilfred Gabsa commissioned SG of Higher Education Ministry

Newly appointed Secretary General of the Ministry of Higher Education, Prof Wilfred Gabsa Nyongbet has been commissioned into his new functions. Chairing the installation ceremony last July 28, 2018 at the National Advanced School of Engineering, Yaounde, Higher Education Minister and Chancellor of Academic Orders, Prof Jacques Fame Ndongo tasked Prof Gabsa to fight against inertia, insubordination, indiscipline, tribalism, nepotism, regionalism, deviant and uncivil behaviour such as dishonesty, absenteeism, corruption, all forms of harassment at work, bad reception of users etc in the discharge of his new functions.
Speaking in both English and French, the Minister while expressing his warmth and heartfelt congratulations to Prof Gabsa for his efforts recognized by the Head of State, presented him to the higher education family as his closest collaborator and personal representative when he is unavailable.
Thanking the former SG Prof Horace Ngomo Manga for the great progress in the implementation of the new university governance policy during his tenure of office from 2012 to 2017, the Minister challenged the new SG to consolidate the achievement of his predecessor whose hard work was recognized by the Head of State as he promoted him to Vice Chancellor of the University of Buea.
Apart from coordinating work at the ministry, he will also be overseeing the 248 private higher education institutions and 8 state universities.
Saying “You were chosen by the Head of State because you are a civil servant of integrity,” the Minister enjoined Prof Gabsa to make judicious use of staff of the ministry put at his disposal, work in synergy and to promote social dialogue.
Minister Fame Ndongo reminded the new SG that a leader is appointed to solve problems and not to complain.
In a chat with reporters, Prof Wilfred Gabsa after expressing gratitude to the Head of State and the Prime Minister, Head of Government, promised to give in his very best to the Minister of Higher Education, Prof Fame Ndongo for the attainment of their objectives.
Prof Gabsa Wilfred who clocked 55 years last July 1, 2018 is a native from Balikumbat Sub Division, Ngoketunjia Division of the North West region.
Before his appointment, he was interim SG since June 2017. He had also been Academic Inspector No4 and Director of the Coordination of Academic Activities at the ministry.
He is married and father of 5 children.
Prof Gabsa is holder of Bachelor’s Degree in Public Law, Masters, Doctorate Degrees at University of Yaounde II and PhD obtained at Georgia State University at Atlanta-Georgia in the United States of America.

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