Orange Cameroun introduces quarterly online newsletter

By Ndumbe Bell Gaston in Douala
Orange Cameroun has recently introduced a quarterly on-line newsletter to showcase their efforts as partners in development in various fields like the digisation of university education helping the underprivileged, culture ( in music and connecting big screen movies), sports and other interests, aside from the traditional functions like the payment of bills, money transfers, and others.They say it is also a channel for them as an enterprise in favour of their citizens, to acclimatize the public with their vision and challenges while shedding light on their way forward.
In a release that was recently forwarded to us by the Communications Head, Mr. Moukouri, the General Manager Frederic Debord who is the brain behind this newsletter development, before enumerating some past and present highlights of Orange Cameroun’s existence, expressed his wishes that he wanted to see an all-inclusive and interactive participation with the Cameroonian public as they share their ambitions and performances.

Participants during the Ongola Fablab
Participants during the Ongola Fablab

Frederic Debord intimated that to add value to the Head of States gifts of 500.000 computers to students of Universities and university institutions, Orange Cameroun has made strides in this direction by signing an agreement with the Minister of Higher education to enable the students have access to urgently needed solutions in their various domains.
In a similar vein, a convention had been signed with the Minister of Secondary Education, Nalova Lyonga Pauline which states that beginning from the upcoming academic year of September 2018/2019, all school fees for students will have to be paid mostly through mobile money. This, the General Manager states is ample testimony in implanting their roots as a giant in the mobile money services.
In another development, the General Manager disclosed that Orange Cameroun Foundation is active in the digital inclusion of women and the Ongola Fablab project where a partnership agreement with Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie has been signed to develop the digital skills of the underprivileged. Other efforts includes Orange Cameroun’s recent contributions in musical concerts, not forgetting the company’s 18 years sponsorship of the Indomitable Lions.The newsletter can be found in their website

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