Gov’t lauds sectors’ contributions to 2nd phase of Vision 2035

The government through the Minister Delegate to the Minister of Economy in charge of Planning, Paul Tasong, has lauded the contribution of the various sectors to the 2nd phase of the growth and employment strategic paper of Vision 2035. He graded their contribution as satisfactory last September 25, 2019 at the Yaounde Hilton Hotel while officially closing a week-long series of sector-based conferences for the planning work of the 2nd phase of Vision 2035.
“They did a good job and I am happy and elated that the mission was satisfactorily accomplished”, Minister Paul Tasong said, while adding that “though technical work has been off lifted with a summary of all the contributions to be submitted to the highest authority of our land who has convened major national dialogue, we shall be looking forward to making good use of social recommendations in order to solidify our path to emergence.”
Expressing gratitude to consultants contracted to consult with different sector operators on what can better meet the development needs of the country and its people at this phase, the Minister Delegate accompanied by Secretaries General of the various ministries said “Considering the relevance of the proposals, I am optimistic that if the various strategies recommended were put in place, the objectives of the second phase of the document that would guide governance within the next ten years, beginning from 2020 would be achieved.”

MINEPAT Minister Delegate, Paul Tasong talking to the press
MINEPAT Minister Delegate, Paul Tasong talking to the press

It would be recalled that the Ministry of Economy, Planning and Regional Development last March 29, 2019 launched nationwide consultative talks during which government presented the second phase of the 2035 emergence vision. In his presentation then, Minister Alamine Ousmane Mey reminded citizens that government aspires to raise Cameroon to the status of an emerging nation by 2035. In that regard, it also aims at remaining united in her diversity and being democratic in governance.
He explained that the long term vision elaborated in 2009 is made up of three main phases; 1st phase running from 2010-2019; whose objective is to modernise the economy and encourage growth; creation of more jobs in the formal sector and reducing poverty. The broad outlines to achieve these objectives were enshrined in the growth and employment strategic paper which became a reference point for all government actions. The 2nd phase to run from 2020 to 2027 aims at taking Cameroon to a medium income nation; which requires that stakeholders accelerate the rate of economic growth by putting in place strategies to revamp sectors like agriculture, minerals exploitation, and striving to reduce inequality in incomes among the citizens while the 3rd phase to run from 2028-2035, has as goal to transform the country into an emerging industrialised nation. This will require ensuring that infrastructure to ensure sustainable growth have been put in place; the nation has been opened up to the outside world through vigorous trade exchanges; while poverty level had been brought as low as less than 10% of the national population and life expectancy peaked to more than 65 years. The Minister went on to review how far the anticipated objectives of the DSCE were attained. He mentioned laws that have been passed to give parliament more powers to control the executive arm of government, especially as it concerns managing national resources.

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