Election of mayors: CPDM dumps primaries for investitures

Anxiety is mounting within the ranks of aspiring mayors in the Cameroon People’s Democratic Movement, CPDM party, following the party’s decision to go in favour of the process of investitures, against Primaries for election of mayors. The elections begin on Tuesday, February 18, nationwide.
In a Circular addressed to Representatives and Charges de Mission of the Central Committee of the CPDM as well as Municipal Councillors, signed by the Secretary General of the Central Committee of the party, Jean Nkuete, last February 13, 2020, the party puts the decision into context. The circular reads in part that “At the time when decentralization is being strengthened, our Councils and City Councils, especially those controlled by the Party, must be administered by competent, outstanding, impeccable, dedicated and committed militants vis-à-vis the law and ethics, with human qualities and skills to best meet the legitimate needs and aspirations of the people.”
However, ahead of Tuesday, February 18, when delegations from Yaounde will be landing at various councils to unveil the party’s choices prior to the session to vote the mayors, jaws are falling, chances are being weighed, ears are on ground to pick up party choices, all amidst looming tensions, frustration and bitterness among some who continue to disagree with party decision.
While Investitures is somehow new to the CPDM, other parties in the country, notably opposition Social Democratic Front, SDF as well as the National Union for Democracy and Progress NUDP of Maigari Bello Bouba have always engaged the method. In other countries, the process is equally used, with the slight difference being the fact that prior to elections, candidates for the seat of mayors, are clearly known.
Many a councilor who now see their chances of becoming mayor now slim, The SUN has gathered, are vehement that should the party decision not go their way, they will take the fight into the Council session for the election proper which is the legitimate space, presided at by the Supervisory Authority over Councils, Senior Divisional Officers. However, The SUN has equally gathered that the CPDM hierarchy is firm against any show of indiscipline during or after the elections.
Elections are set to begin on Tuesday in the Idenau Council, Limbe I, II and III as well as Buea, to continue until February 25 in Tiko, Muyuka and the Limbe City Council all in Fako Division. In Ndian, The SUN has gathered mayors will be elected on February 18 and 19, 2020.
While the atmosphere is relaxed in some Council areas like Limbe III, Limbe I and Tiko (where incumbent Nseke Luma, Mbua Ro-danny Mokako and list leader Elame seem to be the party’s choices), there is rife in Limbe II, where about close to four contestants were vying for the position of mayor, same in the case of Buea, as well as Muyuka with two contestants.
Aspirants for Toko Council in Ndian include Menye Divine Nekenoa, Ebune Emmanuel Eboka, Meriki Miriam Bokengo, Betana Ferdinand and Ekole Christopher.
For Mundemba Council, there are three aspirants including Elizabeth Essele (incumbent), Sake Essono and Nyane One, while the race in Ekondo Titi is tough amongst Kenneth Nanji, Mesembe Gabriel Itua and Ebeku Williams Itoe.
For the Isangele Council, there is Epkeyong Thomas, Madaline Pondy and Caroline Osim. Kombo abedimo (incumbent Aboko Patrick), Kombo Itindi (Etonde Conelius Etim), Bamusso (Mbeng Grace Etongo).
The ruling CPDM party in 2013 engaged Primaries, whereby Councillors ran freely for the post of mayor. However, observers hold that having reaped mixed results from the 2013 process, the CPDM has taken a closed selection process this 2020 to get what it terms ‘the finest.”
Following field reports, council seats nationwide appear to have been distributed among the various political parties as follows:
1) RDPC : 316
2) UNDP : 16
3) PCRN : 7
4) UDC : 6
5) SDF : 4
6) MDR : 3
6 ex) FSCN : 3
8) MPCN : 2
8 ex) UMS : 2
10) MCNC : 1

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