CPDM appoints Divisional Coordinators

The Central Committee of the ruling Cameroon People’s Democratic Movement, the CPDM, on Tuesday, May 24 at midday released names of newly appointed Divisional Coordinators.

The move has once more heightens speculations that the party maybe secretly girding its loins for an anticipated presidential elections.

The appointment of Divisional Coordinators follows that of Regional Delegates who were appointed some months back and completes the party’s structural organisation which was reformed by a recent text of its national president, Paul Biya.

Why many of those appointed are in-house names and do not raise a lot of surprises, there were a few spectacular come-backs. In the South West, Prof. Elvis Ngolle makes a serious rebound in Kupe Muanenguba. It is true that since his appointment as Director of the CPDM Academy, Biya had sent a message that the Prof. Was not finished. It remains to be seen how this new arrangement works out in that Division with the many contending forces.

Also noticeable, is the return of Paul Tasong, who has been at the CEMAC Commission, an appointment many view as a friendly way of sending him on exile. Maybe the second coming of Minister Paul Motaze at MINEPAT has helped push one of his stongest allies with whom they built a successful spell in his first reign at MINEPAT, back at the front row of politics in Lebialem and the South West.

Justice Benjamin Itoe once more pulls a huge victory over his rivals in Meme. Surely this is one appointment too bitter for the Muketes to swallow after the bitter wrangling over a motion to the president a few weeks back.

Chief Dr. Dion Ngute and Hon. Lifaka Emilia consolidate their positions in Ndian and Fako respectively. While in Manyu after the passing on of Prof. Agbor Tabi, the obvious choice is Victor Mengot.

North West
The North West also registers pleasant surprises. Professor Daniel Lantum is one of those while in Ngoketunjia the battle was tough between Goghomu Mengo and Prof. Uphie Chinje Melo. The latter won. Minister Atanga Nji Paul still smarting from taking over one of the councils in Bamenda from the SDF could not be overlooked.
In Boyo, the demise of Bochong Nkwain Francis opened the way for Waingel Albert with so many postulants on the way. Hon outsmarted his rivals to go to the top in Menchum while upcoming rich Shey Jones Yembe plucks the post in Donga Mantung.
Despite the troubles facing his companies, Senator Awanga Zacharia is now a strong political fit in Momo especially with the strong blessing of Senator Achidi Achu.


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