Is it time for reckoning?

By Barrister Nico Halle
I am abundantly blessed to be living and enjoying God’s love, though sadly overwhelmed by the huge pockets of conflicts in the world causing deepened suffering. When the Almighty God created the world, he said everything He created was perfect. As a child growing up, I learned from my Father, who was a man of God, that everything God creates is PERFECT. That is without blemish.
I also learned that because of the sin of disobedience and envy, Adam with the complicity of his wife Eve violated God’s instructions and SIN came into the world.
I equally learned that owing to God’s love for humankind, He sent prophets to preach repentance from all kinds of sins they were mired in.
When the people still did not listen to the prophets, God sent His only begotten son to live with His people and preach repentance. This time God expected from His people Faith and belief in His Son Jesus Christ for eternal life. Jesus was and still remains the only WAY, TRUTH and LIFE to the Father – Eternity.
Since the BOKO Haram insurgency showed its ugly head, and later the eruption of the Anglophone crisis, Cameroonians of goodwill have churned out an avalanche of soothing articles, and measures in the hope that tension would assuage. Thousands have brazenly perished, thousands have sought refuge in neighbouring countries, thousands living in horrendous conditions in the bushes, thousands internally displaced, public and private property vandalised, and or wantonly destroyed, the economy completely paralyzed etc etc.
Calm is still impatiently awaited as the crisis rages on. All kinds of prayers have been offered across the board with little or no effect. I have personally crisscrossed the two warring Regions several times to preach Love, Justice and Peace, with very little success.
I have retreated, fasted, prayed and wept profusely, and continue to, hoping that God will answer my prayers. I know other Cameroonians of goodwill are doing same. I pray they should not stop until peace returns.

 Barrister Nico Halle
Barrister Nico Halle

Measures churned out by some stakeholders have born little or no fruits. All International Organisations and Institutions we count on are just watching away since more than 3 years into the crisis. All they do is supplying, and or selling all kinds of weapons to the battle ground to whoever orders them as they do not care how many people are slaughtered. This further drains the economy and renders the people more vulnerable. After all, the longer and complicated the crisis, the more they maximise gains. Despicable!
Yet and unfortunately, those considered a spiritual and or moral force who should globally constitute a soothing force to reckon with have apparently lost their bearing, hence demonstrating their compromised impotence.
The bad news is, in addition to the many woes the world is grappling with, we now have two other major challenges producing gory images on the social media from across the globe. I am referring to the novel coronavirus /COVID-19 and hantavirus which are panicking just everyone on planet earth. Even the Super Powers, the ‘ALMIGHTYS’ are shaken. Huge mansions, plantations, huge bank accounts, investments and absolute POWER cannot speak in the face of the scourge as it is no RESPECTER of status. The equalizer is very much around the corner. Watch out!
It is however sad for some people to remain insensitive, or outrightly dismiss the Boko Haram incursion and the Anglophone crisis, because they care less or because they can hide away from the areas or Regions affected by the above savagery. Some have transformed the crisis into their stock in trade and are shamelessly making huge financial and political capital from it. Isn’t it BLOOD, BLOOD money? If my bible knowledge is anything to go by, I make bold to support the greatest commandment in the world’s GREATEST book – BIBLE – of which I take both scholarship and liberty to paraphrase: LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, MIND, STRENGTH AND SOUL, and LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF .
I do not know of any religion or culture in the world that does not preach or prophesy LOVE. God is LOVE. Love is the beginning and foundation of goodness for all.
When God created Man, He provided all that man needed to enjoy life fully. In His splendour, God provided, and as I do this simple little piece now, He still provides huge resources for all on earth. Unfortunately, a few leaders and predators who pass for elected, appointed and anointed managers have greedily confiscated all for themselves, creating poverty, misery and unemployment, hence violence, conflict and war in the world. Terrible!
The covenant God made with His people of old still applies to the world today. God always respects His part of the Covenant but man has never respected his. The Lord covenanted to protect and provide all our needs on condition that we honour, worship and obey Him, and only Him alone.
Why the Boko Haram incursion, the Anglophone crisis, the coronavirus, poverty, unemployment, graft, embezzlement, bribery, corruption, rigging of elections, fraud, discrimination, hate speech, xenophobia, greed, inordinate, vaulting and unbridled quest for power by con men within all the components of society, bad blood, betrayal, greed, pride, homosexuality, looting, plundering, you name them?
The absence of LOVE breeds all that precede, causing disaster, chaos, anarchy, wars, diseases, crisis, conflict, suffering, pain, frustration, death etc.
I fear that the current tumult in the world might be punishment God is inflicting on His people who have refused to stop sinning, seek His face and keep His commandments. Otherwise, how can one explain the sudden and dramatic outbreak within a short space of time all types of diseases and deadly viruses? We need to go on our knees and PRAY.
God is LOVE. Whoever says he loves God but hates his brother is a hypocrite. Brother here is not only one’s blood relative but any other person created by God. How can we love God whom we do not see, but hate our brother we see every day? Impossible indeed!
In a society where there is everything but LOVE, we can NEVER, NEVER have PEACE.
The rhetorical question one might be tempted to pose here is:
Is it possible to say one loves God and one’s neighbors when one embezzles, loots and plunders what is meant for many? Can there be love when a person rigs/frauds himself into any office in society? Does preaching morning, afternoon and evening without love, honesty, humility and consideration for others have relevance? Speaking the language of man and of angels without love is an empty gong. Real love is found in 1st Corinthians 13: 1-13.
From LOVE the following emanate: Justice, Equity, the Rule of law, Truth, Integrity, Dignity, Transparency, Accountability, Respect for human rights and liberties, Patriotism, Care for others, Freedom, Humility, Goodness, Kindness, Respect for others.
These indispensable core spiritual and moral values stabilise, harmonise and make for a wherewithal platform where everyone feels loved and protected.
God forbid the coronavirus, hantavirus and other diseases ravaging the world is our prayer.
We however know that there will be TIME FOR RECKONING when Jesus makes His second coming any time. The causes of death are varied and various and time uncertain. If Christ were to come now are we ready? As I write will I be ready? What would it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? NOTHING
The caveat here is that NOBODY is PERFECT. Hence no one qualifies to preach Perfection as such is the preserve of God the Father. Imperfection notwithstanding, we must abhor sin in all its forms.
We were unprepared when Boko Haram, Anglophone crisis, coronavirus, hantavirus etc etc erupted. Shall we be prepared to face God’s judgment?
Let us repent from our SINS now and seek God’s face as we do not know when He comes. I salute and bless anyone who after reading this simple little piece will adjust and prepare for His great COMING.

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