Limbe is back to normal after gov’t relaxes measures against COVID-19

The population of Limbe received the announcement from the Head of Government Chief Dr. Joseph Dion Ngute on Thursday, April 30, 2020 uplifting some anti COVID-19 measures, with a lot of enthusiasm and joy.
Despite the fact that it was well spelt out that face masks remain compulsory for all who intend visiting a snack, bar and Night club, The SUN observed that few are respecting the measure.
Some are equally violating the measure of social distancing. According to a few who spoke off record to The SUN, they opined that they had been starving themselves from their hobbies for over a month now, which implies they will booze to their satisfaction henceforth.
Some off-licence operators on their part are overwhelmed with the decision by government, as they say business will now bounce back to normal after weeks of low sales.
Some freethinkers speaking to The SUN wondered aloud why government is uplifting the ban on bars and transport sector, but forgot to uplift the one on the Church.
Limbe, which prior to the uplift of the ban, before 9pm was almost deserted as everyone went home for fear of contracting the virus, since Friday is now congested with people who are desperate to quench their taste right late into the night.
Taxi drivers on their part are also rejoicing for the announcement saying they’ll make good profit now as they have been plying the road with few or no passengers.

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