Finance Service of Limbe II Council consumed by flames – Fire consumes five public institutions in five months

The multiple fire incidents in the city of Limbe, Fako Division in recent times, have forced many inhabitants to wonder aloud if the incidents are actually accidental or merely man-made.
Limbe has witnessed numerous fire outbreaks both on private residents, rendering families homeless and on buildings hosting state structures, consuming vital documents, office furniture and equipment.
The most recent victim of unwelcomed destructive fire is the Limbe II Council in Mokundange, Limbe II Subdivision, during the early hours of Thursday, May 28, 2020.
Eyewitness accounts have it that the fire started at about midnight from the veranda, before spreading to the office of the Financial Officer, which was the most affected.
Reports say it’s thanks to the prompt intervention of the security guard on duty, who saw the fire and raised an alarm, bringing in neighbours who helped to extinguish the fire.
The Limbe II Council is led by the newly elected mayor, HRH Ndive Woka Daniel, who arrived the scene immediately he was alerted by his Secretary General, Charles Eyuma’a Sama, to make sense of the unfortunate situation.
Upon opening the office of the Financial Officer to assess the damage done, it was observed that an A3 printer, Computers, all financial documents of the Council and other office equipment had been consumed by the fire.
The Divisional Officer for the Limbe II Subdivision, Serge Meke Abel, who equally answered present at the scene, made proposals for a fence to be constructed around the Council, to intensify security. Investigations have been opened to ascertain the exact cause of the fire.
Equally recently, the building hosting the Divisional Delegation of Agriculture and Rural Development for Fako suffered the same fate as fire consumed the entire structure.
According to the quarter head of Mile II, Isaac Carr, the fire erupted around 2:30am and he was only informed by his neighbours who raised an alarm and inhabitants around came out to put off the fire which was at very high force, consuming documents and other valuable property inside the offices.
The crowd only managed to put off the fire with the use of sand, water and plantain leaves. The cause of the fire is still to be determined as authorities have also opened investigation to the incident.
Talking to the SUN, the Divisional Delegate of Agriculture for Fako, Lawrence Nkeanyi said the damage is enormous as all documents, office equipment, computers, farming input etc were damaged.
It should be recalled that the Limbe Court of First Instance came under fire with the office of the Examining Magistrate, the Register in Chief and the Court Archives section all consumed on the night of May 6, 2020.
Also, the Inspectorate of Basic Education in the Limbe I Subdivision as well as the Divisional Delegation for Labour and Social Security have equally had their own fire battles over the past few months.
A fire fighting unit remains a far-fetched jewel for the city of Limbe.

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