UB holds extra-ordinary meeting to address varsity’s financial issues

The Council of the University of Buea has in an extra-ordinary meeting arrived at certain recommendations pertaining to the presentation, examination and approval of transfer of credits on the 2020 budget of the institution. Endorsement of promotion and advancement of teaching staff was equally a top priority at the meeting.
Chaired by the Pro-Chancellor and Chairman of the Council, Prof. Ako Edward Oben, the meeting held in the Boardroom of the Central Administrative Building, on Thursday, May 28, 2020, wherein the Council of the University approved the institution’s proposal for the transfer of credits within some budget lines of the running budget estimates of the University of Buea, for the 2020 financial year, amounting to FCFA 330,460.000.
The advancement and promotion of some members of the academic staff of the university was endorsed and the proposal of the University to designate two representatives from other state Universities was equally approved. The said representatives are to be members of the consultative committee for the recruitment of assistant lecturers of the University of Buea.
The Council also congratulated the Vice Chancellor and his collaborators on the excellent performance of the University of Buea especially in the implementation of the measures put in place by W.H.O. and the Cameroon government to fight against COVID-19 such as the provision of hand-washing points and hand sanitisers in all buildings, the practice of social distancing and the wearing of face masks. They equally commended the University for instituting alternative methods of teaching and learning driven by information and communication technologies.

Council of the University of Buea deliberating during Extra-Ordinary meeting at Boardroom of the Central Administrative building
Council of the University of Buea deliberating during Extra-Ordinary meeting at Boardroom of the Central Administrative building

The Council thanked the government for its sustained financial and material supports to enable UB achieve its vision and mission.
Addressing the press after the extra-ordinary meeting, the Pro-Chancellor and Chairman of the Council, Professor Ako Edward Oben said: “Since the University games, the students’ brain trust and other Para-university activities were suspended this year due to the Covid-19 Pandemic; we therefore had to examine the budget and transfer some credits to other areas which the University is facing challenges. The budget will enable the University solve some of its problems such as the fight against Covid-19, pay debts to some bodies like ENEO, CAMTEL, C.N.P.S etc.”
Prof. Ako Oben added that on the issue of advancement and promotion of academic staff, there are 107 faculty members whose files have been examined and endorsed with regards to their advancement and promotion.
The Pro-Chancellor equally highlighted the message from the Minister of Higher Education in line with resumption of classes which reads that: “The resumption of classes on Monday June 1 must be prepared in a very minute manner to ensure that the recommendations and prescriptions of the WHO and the Cameroon government are applied to the latter.”
“With what I have seen so far, the University of Buea has done just that in terms of measures being taken to fight the pandemic” the Chairman of the Council pinpointed.

June 1 resumption of classes at UB

It is important to note that as per the resumption of schools on June 1 2020, the committee of Deans and Directors (CDD) of the University of Buea met on Tuesday, May 19, 2020 to examine the progress of online teaching and the preparedness to effectively resume on-campus teaching on the stipulated date.
The meeting was chaired by the Vice Chancellor of the University, Professor Ngomo Horace Manga. In order to stop the rapid spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, the committee recommended that classes will be scheduled using all available spaces on campus in order to meet up with the exigencies of social distancing, heads of establishments should ensure the optimisation of courses to ensure that all courses meet the required percentage coverage before the end of the Second Semester.
Hand-washing points will be extended on campus and the department of Chemistry will be tasked to expand the production and distribution of hand sanitisers at all entry points, to areas of gatherings and classrooms. All classrooms, Laboratories, halls of residence and the restaurant (including door knobs) will be disinfected every morning and at the end of the day. Thermo flashes shall be used to check temperatures of staff and students at the different entry points into campus.
The V.C. at the close of the meeting expressed his gratitude to all staff and students for the efforts made to ensure the effectiveness of teaching during this crisis period and he assured the general public that measures have been taken to ensure quality of teaching and learning at the University of Buea.

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