Media Professional outfit takes Kumba by storm, partners with City Council


One of Cameroon’s leading media Association, Cameroon Association of Media Professionals, CAMP Thursday February 4, 2022 stormed Kumba, chief town of Meme division, South-West region to market the objectives of the association and partner with major institutions in Kumba. After visiting some media stakeholders of the town, the highlight of the visit was at the Kumba City Council.

The Kumba City Council, KCC, through her City Mayor Gregory Mewanu, immediately partnered with the Cameroon Association of Media Professionals, CAMP, and endorsed her latest product, CAMP Press Clubs.

The colorful ceremony took place at the mayor’s office in his council premises.

Under the watchful eyes of CAMP’s National President,  Solomon Agborem, CAMP’s Southwest regional coordinator, Wah Innocent Yuh, a Founding Father,  Kowac Kum Kemayou Bandolo, and CAMP’s legal adviser,  Christopher Talla Agha.

Presenting the initiative, the regional coordinator noted that educational standards are falling in schools and the profession of journalism is being threatened by the quality of professionals in the field. Behind this backdrop, therefore, insisted that the CAMP Press Clubs is an initiative born out of extreme need by CAMP to advance her drive to expand possibilities.

Hear the coordinator, “…as a school program and project, the innovation will create PRESS Clubs in schools…school learners will be drilled on the merits of journalism and they will be encouraged to study journalism in the future…by starting journalism at the base, great journalists will be formed for the future…”.

Innocent Yuh noted that there’s a need to create a clean society void of hate, violence and malice and this can be attained by giving the youngsters new mindsets.

The Southwest coordinator talked about how the CAMP Press Clubs program will operate by highlighting some of the course contents which will include talks on peace, facts-checking, media perspectives, trainings and radio talk-shows.

Meantime, the NP traced the history of CAMP which is today 17 years old.

According to the National President  “…CAMP started in 2005 in the oil-rich city of Limbe as a small association of Media Professionals, practitioners and friends of the media…as a peace crusading institution, she took her mission to the Bakassi Peninsula to encourage the people to get themselves registered on the election registry and to vote…she is today well planted in eight(8) regions out of the 10 in Cameroon and is spreading her tentacles and influence to the Central and West African sub-region…she has more than 100 members gathered from the English and French halves of Cameroon…CAMP is already in partnership with some major embassies in Cameroon, the Canadian High Commission, Dash Holdings, Defy Hate Now Cameroon, United Nations Human Rights Commission, Manipal Hospital India, UNESCO and  is forward-looking, innovative and open to change and constructive criticisms.

The CAMP delegation at the Kumba City Council featuring,L-R, Kowac Bandolo, Yuh innocent, city mayor Gregory Mewanu, Solomon Agborem, Talla Christopher

Furthermore, the National President praised and congratulated the Kumba City mayor for standing for development and taking Kumba back to her glorious days of love and plenty.

“Mr. city mayor Cameroon is dire need for administrators and leaders like you who accompany the people in their dreams towards prosperity…people with vision, focus and courage and a selfless appetite for development and work…Sir, despite the initial wrangling, you have stood for core-values like hard work, patriotism and living together in a one and indivisible Cameroon…you have embraced all the diverse and conflicting views to build a solid metropolitan city…,” National President  Solomon Agborem.

Projecting into the future, the National President briefed the City mayor on the upcoming CAMP Maga in the days ahead. He said the said magazine will bring to fore and sunlight the works of achievers, promoters of development and unearth those putting the unity of Cameroon on the table. The magazine will also sell the good name of CAMP and her great works.

Before taking a romance with all the good words splashed to his person, endeavors and office, Gregory  Mewanu stated, categorically, that journalism has a task to form, shape and reform society. He lauded the CAMP Press Clubs project as a wonderful initiative.

He declared, “…by taking the CAMP Press Clubs project to schools and targeting young learners, society will be led on a good path…people must be educated not just made to go to school and have certificates…CAMP Press Clubs will undoubtedly change the paradigm, empower the people with knowledge…”.

On sealing the partnership deal, the Kumba City Council chief executive officer and mayor, Gregory N. Mewanu vowed, “…we’re set and ready to move forward with CAMP for the city council and my humble person will be camping with CAMP for Kumba must be great again…”

Talking about the city of Kumba, Gregory N Mewanu said, “…the City of Kumba is geographically at the centre of the Southwest region from all the cardinal considerations, she’s the economic nerve wire of the region and point of focus for all activities in the region…she has four main founding tribes of: Balung, Bafaw, Bajundu and Barombi plus a catalogue of other tribes and nations of all works making the configuration of the city

The CAMP delegation at the Kumba City Council featuring L-R, Kowac Bandolo, Yuh innocent, city mayor Gregory Mewanu, Solomon Agborem, Talla Christopher


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