At ‘Behind Gates’ Movie Premiere; Population Applaud Cast & Crew for an Excellent Output

By Ikome Christie-Noella Eposi

The population of the littoral, South West, North West regions and Cameroon in general have applauded the excellent performance of the entire cast and crew of the movie ‘Behind Gates’ which was screened this Saturday July 23 2022 at Canal Olympia in Douala.

The Silicon production film which features movie stars like Ramsey Noah, Malvis Ann, Zita Minaj, Godisz Fungwa, Afah Jang, Eystein Young JR amongst others was produced by Temenu Theodore Asahchop,  executive producer Scholastica Asahchop and written/directed by Cosson Chinepoh.

The movie which thrilled the audience depicted a typical Cameroonian society where a young village girl about to be married to her village lover encountered devastating challenges along life’s road. She was later redeemed by a good Samaritan lady in town who gave all her property to her (the young poor girl) before giving up the ghost due to a chronic disease. The young girl later found favour in her master’s eyes due to her dedication and commitment in her house help duties.

The executive producer Temenu Scholastica in her welcome address, thanked all who worked tirelessly to ensure the success of the movie. “Silicon production is a new baby in the house. We need guidance, support and collaboration” she noted.

Talking to the writer/director of the movie, Cosson Chinepoh at the end of the screening exercise, he explained that the movie basically explains what house servants/maids go through in a typical African society especially. “Getting to meet a good and bad boss in one house and how to go about such a situation is what we tried to portray in this movie. At the start of the movie, we saw a boundary tussle between both clans and their different inter-tribal conflicts and how that greatly affected one of the main characters (Bih)”.

He went further to explain that the process of directing the movie was not very easy as the entire crew faced a lot of security challenges. “We planned to shoot for about two weeks but we ended up shooting for more than three weeks. Then the rains too hindered us in many instances. The challenges are always there but we managed to pull through and here we are today”. Cosson Chinepoh.

According to actor Ramsey Noah, “for us to support each other, we have to be there for each other. We all need to develop the all for one, one for all policy. We need to be united so as to grow. Let us put aside our pride when it comes to our professional work. I support the Cameroon Industry and that is why I never hesitate when I have to act a movie here. You all need to be part of this”. He stated.

The movie screening ended successfully as the cast and crew gave everyone the urge and desire to download the movie and watch.


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