Exports improved by 5.4% YoY in Q1 2022

The total export volume from Cameroon to the international market grew by 5.4% year-on-year between January and March 2022.

The national stats agency (INS) indicated that the improvement allowed exports to contribute 0.9 percentage points to the country’s quarterly GDP growth. “This increase in overall exports is the result of both a 5.7% increase in exports of goods and a 4.9% increase in exports of services. The first quarter saw strong external demand for sawn timber, crude oil, and natural gas as well as products of the agricultural processing industry,” INS said.

However, the institute notes that figures could have been higher had it not been for “the decline in exports of logs, certain products (like coffee and plantains) from export agriculture, and other goods”. The decrease in shipments of these products to the international market “has contributed to slowing the dynamism of the overall level of exports”.


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