Why Cardinal Francis Arinze Matters in the Ecclesiastical Province of Bamenda, Part 2

By Nchumbonga George Lekelefac

Cardinal Francis Arinze’s unflinching reminder on Bernard Fonlon’s Beatification process

Cardinal Francis has not stopped reminding Cameroonian prelates and laity on the earnest need to introduce Bernard Fonlon’s Beatification process in the Vatican at the Congregation for the Canonization of Saints. Here are some concrete examples con his persistent reminder:

1) Christian Cardinal Tumi stated about Bernard Fonlon, on August 26, 2005 at the opening remarks on the occasion of the celebration of the 19th anniversary of the death of Professor Bernard Nsokika Fonlon inter alia: “…Prof. Bernard Nsokika Fonlon was indeed a saintly man. When I was in Rome recently, a Nigerian Cardinal, Francis Cardinal Arinze, who had known Bernard Fonlon when he was studying in Nigeria, asked me why we have not yet introduced his cause for beatification. That is how strongly people even outside our country consider him worthy of being declared a Saint. Many gathered here this evening will have much more to say about this man of fortitude, of temperance and of prudence. Once more, thank you for making me a part of this memorial occasion. God bless you. + Christian Cardinal Tumi, Archbishop of Douala.”

2) During my first audience with Cardinal Arinze at his residence in 2012, among the many questions he asked me was: “When will they introduce the beatification cause of my dear friend Bernard Nsokika Fonlon?”

3) During an interview with Cardinal Arinze in April 2020, he noted inter alia: “…Yes, but only much later. And when I saw Bishop Awa of Buea and Archbishop Paul Verdzekov of Bamenda in the Vatican, I used to say, mmmmm, when will you start the cause of Professor Dr. Bernard Fonlon? George Nchumbonga: Oh, you have been reminding them? I asked and Cardinal Arinze continued: “Yes, because I have been convinced, for years, that if it was an Italian; the Italian Bishops would have begun the beatification process long agoooooo.”

4) Archbishop Verdzekov noted inter alia in L’effort Camerounais: “…His hearing has not begun yet, for all I know, but it’s a pity, we are not doing enough to provide the information that the Congregation for the Cause of the Saints demands. Personally, I think Bernard merits it. Someone who knew him well in Nigeria, Cardinal Arinze, has asked me, why we haven’t started the canonizing process of Bernard. Who should initiate his cause for canonization, Your Grace? Msgr. Paul Verdzekov: ‘It is the particular Church that baptized him, and in which he grew up. It is not the Holy See that begins such a cause. It is that local Church that must carry out its duty. Just like for Fr. Baba Simon, a priest of what is now the diocese of Edea, formerly the diocese of Douala, then he worked in North Cameroon, what is now the diocese of Maroua-Mokolo. They have done their work a local church, at the end they submit the matter to the Holy See, with all the documentation and all they know. If there is a cult for that Christian, the Church them asks its members to pray for their canonization.’”

5) During my last interview with Cardinal Arinze at the Vatican, he asked me who the bishop of Kumbo was after I informed him that I have written two open letters to Bishop George Nkuo with all evidences to begin this beatification process, but the responses have not been encouraging. It is hard to logically understand why a diocesan bishop has no interest in promoting one of his laity for beatification. Why is it so difficult for some Africans to promote the cause of their own? Had it been a European, this cause would have been introduced by the diocesan bishop long ago because they have this culture of recognizing and promoting their own. In African, we are still terribly lacking in this. This was the reply from Bishop George Nkuo: “Dear Mr George Lekelefac, Thank you for your letters to me through the public media for the beatification of Professor Bernard Fonlon. Some of the people of God in the diocese of Kumbo a few years ago took some good initiatives towards the beatification of Professor Fonlon which I fully encouraged. They are spreading the cause in the most discrete way because they believe that saints are not made through the social media. I am sorry I did not react to your letter because it was for the public and I had taken a different approach with the people in Kumbo.  So please don’t expect a public reaction from me on this matter. Thank you for initiative and we will continue with our own approach. God bless you. +George.” Social media is a medium to informed the world and the public about sainthood. Why is it that we don’t wish to learn from the European Church? The approach that Bishop Nkuo and the people of Kumbo have undertaken is not working. For 16 years as bishop of Kumbo, Bishop Nkuo’s approach has not worked and that is why we have not seen any fruits of his so-called approach.  This is because the bishop of Kumbo and the so-called people of Kumbo have doggedly refused to emulate the European church. There is a need for the bishop of Kumbo to change his so-called approach because it has not worked for the past 16 years. Is it not clear that his approach is fruitless?

Cardinal Arinze has not stopped asking the same question and it is my wish that before Bishop Nkuo retires as bishop in 2027, the beatification cause of Bernard Fonlon could be introduced. Cardinal Arinze has reminded the need for this beatification but it has fallen on deaf ears. It is captivating how a cardinal of the Holy See will be ignored by bishops for such a long period of time. Why are prophets recognized only by other people and not from their own? This is terribly heartbreaking to me.

Cardinal Arinze: Archbishop Paul Verdzekov and Bishop Pius Awa

Later, Cardinal Arinze studied in Collegio Urbano di Propaganda Fide in Rome from 1955 to 1959. During those years, the future Archbishop Paul Verdzekov was his classmate in Theology, perhaps with three years between them because Cardinal Arinze earned a doctorate in sacred theology summa cum laude on 23 November 1958, at the chapel of the university, Arinze was ordained to the priesthood by Cardinal Gregorio Pietro Agagianian, pro-prefect of the Sacred Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith (Propaganda Fide) – three years to the priestly ordination of both Fr Pius Awa and Fr. Paul Mbiybe Verdzekov on December 20, 1961 by the same Cardinal Gregorio Pietro Agagianian, pro-prefect of the Sacred Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith (Propaganda Fide), who cause of canonization has been introduced by the Vicar General of the Diocese of Rome, Cardinal Angelo De Donatis.

After ordination, Father Arinze remained in Rome, earning a master’s in theology in 1959 and doctorate in 1960 (His doctoral thesis on “Ibo Sacrifice as an Introduction to the Catechesis of Holy Mass” was the basis for his much-used reference work, “Sacrifice in Ibo Religion”, published in 1970). During this time, he was still in contact with future Archbishop Paul Verdzekov and Bishop Pius Awa.

Cardinal Arinze visited Archbishop Paul Verdzekov in Bamenda in 1972, a year before the inauguration of the St Thomas Aquinas Major Seminary, Bambui. We can clearly see that they were friends.

The beatification of Archbishop Verdzekov was introduced by Archbishop Cornelius Esua in January 2000. As I write, we have not seen any nihil obstat from the Holy See on the cause of Beatification of Archbishop Verdzekov. This is because the petition was not formally done. How could a launching mass of the beatification of Archbishop Paul Verdzekov be celebrated when the paper work has not been done in the Holy See? The Congregation for the Canonisation of Saints told the current Archbishop Andrew Nkea that there is no file of the beatification of Archbishop Verdzekov in their office. This means that the mass launching the beatification cause was a liturgical sham. I will revisit this case later elaborately in another article, but it was important to mention it with relation to Cardinal Arinze who has a genuine friendship with Archbishop Verdzekov.

Nchumbonga George Lekelefac

Doctorandus, University of Münster, Germany; Europe/ US Correspondent of “The SUN Newspaper”; Independent Ecclesiastical Journalist; Canon Lawyer; Scribe and Researcher; Founder/ CEO of the “Nchumbonga Lekelefac Institute of Research, Documentation, Language and Culture, USA.




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