Hon. Findi S. Mokondo Puts Smiles on faces of Distressed Muyuka Populace


  • Thank him for serving as the hunting dog for the Sub-division
  • Hon Findi says he has the people of Muyuka at heart and he shall continue to put smiles on their faces

By Ikome Christie-Noella Eposi in Buea

In a gathering organized by the CPDM Section President for Muyuka Sub-division, Honourable Findi Stanley Mokondo for the distribution of humanitarian assistance from the Presidential couple through the Minister of Territorial administration, the population of Muyuka have expressed sincere gratitude to their member of parliament for always serving as the hunting dog for the Sub-division.

Honourable Findi Stanley Mokondo yet again made life worth living and put smiles on the faces of his people as the political baobab through his intervention presented some relief materials from the Presidential couple to the people of Muyuka.

Taking place this Friday May 19 2023, a day before the national day celebrations, Hon. Findi while the executing the orders of the presidential couple through the Minister of Territorial Administration noted that the items given to the Muyuka people will go a long way to be of help especially for those who have been affected by the crisis in one way or another.

Hon. Findi donating a bag of rice to one of the beneficiary

“Today we are in Muyuka because our President, His Excellency President Paul Biya has thought about the people of Muyuka. You all can bear with me that in the past 5/6 years we have had so many people who have been internally displaced out of Muyuka. Recently most persons have returned to Muyuka but met their homes shattered and their farms abandoned for years. So as they strive to rearrange their farms in order to increase productivity and to rearrange their homes to make it more comfortable, the Head of State though my humble intervention thought it wise to donate some relief materials to the people of Muyuka. When the President heard the cry of the Muyuka people he responded immediately and that is why we are here to distribute the various items”. Hon. Findi explained to the militants and population of Muyuka.

“Through my humble self we say a big thank you to President Paul Biya for his wonderful gesture and thank him for  thinking  about the Muyuka people”. The political baobab expressed.

Items from the Presidential couple to the population of Muyuka

Items such as bags of rice, vegetable oil, matrasses, blankets, detergents etc were handed to the population who could not help but express their gratitude to Hon. Findi for always looking out for them and making sure that they are comfortable and happy in the best ways possible.

In his message, the Member of Parliament did not fail to reiterate the importance of peace and national unity which he said are tools for effective development. While thanking the Head of State, he stated that like Oliver twist; the people of Muyuka will need more assistance. “People need more matrasses, more fertilizers for their cocoa farms that have been abandoned and why not other farming tools to improve production. “We shall ensure a frank distribution because what matters most is not the quantity involved but the intentions behind these donations” Hon. Findi added.

Talking to the Sun Newspaper after the distribution exercise, the CPDM Section President noted that the people of Muyuka are happy as they have once again benefited from the largesse of the Head of State. “The President of the Republic, His Excellency President Paul Biya in his humanitarian and gesture has extended a hand of care to the people of Muyuka. I met with the Minister of territorial administration and explained the cry of the people of Muyuka. He then tabled my request to the President who responded with immediate effect”.

Cross-section of the population of Muyuka present at the distribution ceremony

Quizzed on strategies put in place to ensure development and the full restoration of peace to Muyuka, Hon Findi said it’s been exactly two and half months since he was elected as Member of Parliament for Muyuka. “As a bonafide son of Muyuka sub-division, I have the Muyuka people at heart. I was born and bred here and I know their cry especially with the crisis so an elected official I had to take their messages across and that’s what I have been doing and I shall continue to do. I have to give gratitude to the ministers who have heard the cry of the Muyuka people just like the Minister of territorial administration. In the course of the mandate we are going to have more gestures like this”

Comrade Walters Metuge is one of the beneficiaries who thanked the President of the Republic through Hon Findi for hearing their cries. He said the items given to him will go a long to help him and his families especially as times are tough.

It is important to note that amidst the security challenges, the people braved the odds and came out in their numbers to take part in the groundbreaking ceremony. Present at the event was the Divisional Officer for Muyuka Sub-division, the Mayor of the council and other dignitaries.

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