Governor Okalia chairs security meeting in Tombel – Salutes stakeholders for stabilizing Southwest region

By Etengeneng Larry-Kelvin T

Southwest governor, Okalia Bilai Bernard, was in Tombel, in Kupe Muanenguba Division to preside over the deliberations of the Regional Administrative and Security Coordination Committee Meeting, CCO-CCA.

The CCO-CCA is a statutory forum to periodically review and examine pertinent socio-economic, administrative and security issues either affecting or likely to impact the the daily lives of the population of the Southwest region.

In his presentation, Bernard Okalia Bilia appreciated all those who answered present for the solemn ceremony to participate fully in all aspects that enable the state of Cameroon to function adequately. The meetingsaw the attendance the President of the SW Regional Assembly, heads of regional and divisional services of forces of law and order, regional delegates, traditional rulers, the mayor of Tombel and a host of others.

The meeting, that took place at the Tombel Community Hall looked intoways and mechanisms to enhance security across the region with vigilante groups and communal participation of all stakeholders involved.

Southwest governor, Okalia Bilai Bernard

Speaking to journalists in Tombel, the governor insisted on the recommendations which he did mention earlier and opined thatthey will sustain and protect what they had done so far regarding the protection of lives and properties in the region in the present context. He emphasised that if they don’t protect and if they are not vigilant and courageous enough to denounce those non-state armed actors who gallivant with weapons, they will be causing chaos and trauma to the regional population. He seized the opportunity to thank all those in the region who have been participating in one way or the other in making sure that the sovereignty of the state is intact and urges all to continue in this light.

On the stabilisation of the region, the SW administrative head says it is worth celebrating the participation of all who keep on taking the commitment to ensure that peace and harmony returns and insisted that vigilance is the watch word. On the usage of improvised explosive devices (IEDs) Gov. Okalia urged all to inculcate intheir modus operandiand put at the back of their minds that there will always be an explosive somewhere and as such, they must be very vigilant enough to see if there’s an abandoned bag somewhere or if there is a suspected maneuver from somebody or an abandoned car somewhere; all of these aspects must be reported to the competent authorities if seen.

The Governor insisted that this vigilance warrants the full participation of all and especially the vigilantes.

On the role of traditional authorities,he noted that they aren’t left out in the fight as some of them equally abide with some of the points mentioned in the meeting in order to bring peace and normalcy.

Kupe Muanenguba Division that is enjoying peace today is partly attributed to the collaboration of the chiefs some of whom had paid dearly with their lives in the region. Chief Ediage Francis Bang of Bazinc village in Tombe sub-division and a Member of the SW House of Chiefssaid their division is this peaceful due to the total collaboration of all mostly the youths who are at the forefront to bring peace to Kupe Muanenguba.

The traditional ruler mentioned the support they get from some of their elite like Elung Paul Che who’s the Assistant SG at the Presidency of the Republic, the Mayors of the Division, other elite who are in Yaounde and elsewhere, the administrators of the division as almost everyone there is actively involved in this fight for peace in one way or the other.

He equally cited the youths in the area, who he said play a very important role because at the start of the crisis, the issue was their matter but today they have seen it is not worth dying for an obscure independence that will never be granted in the next 100 year. With constant education to these youngsters they have changed their course and are nowassisting the forces of law and order with vital information on separatists’ activities or hideouts in the area.

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