NASLA shall continue being breathing-ground of decentralization – Board Chair

By Etengeneng Larry-Kelvin T

NASLA remains resolute in ensuring she continues being a jewel in Cameroon and the entire CEMAC sub region as a breathing ground of decentralisation and local development and thus staying glued to her slogan of NASLA “The bedrock of Local Development”.

The above statement was delivered by Mr. Moutar Ousmane mey, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National School of Local Administration, NASLA in Buea last week at the close of the 7th ordinary and 5th extraordinary borad meetings of the institution.

All the Directors that constitute the Board of Directors at the National School of Local Administration (NASLA) answered present for the 7th Ordinary and 5th Extraordinary sessions of the institution’s board meeting.

Mr. Moutar Ousmane mey, talking to press

The meeting summoned at the behest of the Board Chair, Moutar Ousmane Mey, the held last Thursday June 15 and FridayJune, 16, 2023 at NASLA’s boardroom. The long and fierce deliberations deliberations centred on the examination of the different projects that the institution is undertaking and to fine-tune better ways in which both students and staff can enjoy their stay at NASLA.

The institution has been fully active since its creation, through its in-service and specific training programs. Not forgetting the successive competitive entrance examinations which were carried out by the various supervisory bodies.

Group photo

The first session which started on Thursday, June 15, 2023 was the ordinary session as deliberations mainly had to do with the examination and adoption of the different accounts (administrative and management) for the 2022 financial year. During this meeting, the Board examined the report of the financial controller for the 2022 financial year. With this, the performance report for the year that was reviewed and the draft administrative and financial resolutions taken.

Regarding the extraordinary session that held on Friday June 16, 2023 it focused more on the budget for 2023 of the National School of Local Administration as the balance in revenue and expenditurewhich standsatFCFA three billion six hundred and ninety-nine million two hundred and seventy thousands (3,699,270,000) was adopted through resolution No. 0007/NASLA/CA of 29th December, 2022 at the 6th Ordinary Session of the Board of Directors.

During the session, it was realised that there was no tangible legal element that could justify the inclusion in the 2023 budget of the brought-forward balance of the 2022 MINDDEVEL investment grant (PIB-Chap 27) worth FCFA 764,068,000 as such, the possibility of a budget review was discussed. This explains the holding of the said 5th session.

The convenor of the twin sessions, the Board chair of NASLA, Mourtar Ousmane Mey after presiding over the 2-day sessions; speaking to the media, thanked the media outlets in the country for always putting the institution at the forefront.e equally stated that the school is now functioning quite well following the competitive entrance examination that was organised by the Director General Tanyitiku E. Bayee not forgetting the institution’s hierarchy for this success story. He further explained the reason for the 2-day sessions (both the ordinary and extraordinary). The extraordinary session,he averred was convened for the adding of the amount that was given to the school for its running budget for the smooth running of NASLA.

With the vast construction works that the school in carrying out like the construction of classrooms and other edifices, with the different students present on campus taking lectures; NASLA remains resolute in ensuring she continues being a jewel in Cameroon and the entire CEMAC sub region as a breathing ground of decentralisation and local development and thus staying glued to her slogan of NASLA “The bedrock of Local Development”

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