JEICOM 2023 fallout: Investors buy into Limbe City Council projects

Finding the right partners and the necessary finances to assure the transformation of the City of Limbe through the realisation of community impacting projects was the main mission which Limbe City Mayor Paul EFOME L.M NGALE took to the second edition of the Councils International Economic Forum-JEICOM that held from 1st – 3rd June 2023 at the Yaounde Confrence Center.

Limbe City Mayor, Paul Efome

Like soldiers going into battle, Paul EFOME accompanied by his staff composed of the Director of Financial Affairs, Chief of Cabinet, Chief of Service Cooperation and Partnership, Public Relations Officer, Chief of Service Risk Management and Fire Fighting, armed themselves with a number of important projects as they stormed the event ground. The dynamic and young Limbe City Mayor skillfully presented the package to investors who immediately showed interest. The projects include :

-Maintenance and extension of electricity network by solar energy within the municipality and beyond.

-Development of Community water supply

-sustainable management of solid waste

-canalisation of waterways and construction of Bridges

-Development of the touristic sector and modernisation of the mile 4 motor park Limbe.

All these earmarked project ideas, found favourable replies from over nine organisations and companies, with some requesting immediate signing of accords with Limbe City Council right there at the JEICOM 2023 ground. This is proof that these projects carefully selected by a cream of fine LCC Staff were well thought of and answer the demands of projects which today’s development partners quickly embrace. The result of these successes shall be felt by the community in the months to come when paper works are finally concretised on the ground.

Group photo

Thus for three days, the potentials of the “Town of Friendship and Opportunities” were sold, and as expected found top class buyers. On the sidelines of these, Limbe City Mayor Paul EFOME was honoured to read the final resolutions and recommendations of JEICOM 2023 during the closing ceremony placed under the distinguished Patronage of the Head of State .

It is important to note that JEICOM, organised every two years since 2021, is a platform that offers an enabling environment permitting local councils to find the necessary finances and partners for the realisation of community projects.

The Limbe City Council has already started ground works to put up an impressive presence come JEICOM 2025.

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