Africa and the Emigration of its Youths Vol 2. Effects and Proposed Solutions

By Marks Abaiko

After looking at the causes of Emigration of African Youths, it’s germane to navigate to the effects as it is almost impossible than taking a vacation to the sun to have causes without effects or impacts. In this same shrine of logic, this work can only be on a balance scale if we spray our minds with some proposed solutions. Thus, a continuation of this work will warrant us to digress through the Effects in Part two, and Proposed Solutions in part 3.

Marks Abaiko is the Secretary General of the Association of New Generation Authors (ANGA)

(2) Effects of Emigration of African Youths

The effects or impact of youth emigration in Africa is felt both on the sending continent (Africa) and receiving continents (Europe and America). But since this paper is on Africa, we will concentrate on the impact felt in Africa which is the sending continent.

The impact of Emigration on the sending continent is both positive and negative but since the speeches have thundered against, we will focus on the negative effects which includes; Reduction of Man Power, Hampers Economic Growth and Reduction of Government’s Revenue.

(I) Reduction of man power

It is said that the strength of a nation lies on its youths, likewise the strength of a continent like Africa lies on its Youths. The youths constitute the work force of every continent as they occupy themselves in implementing policies or realising projects like construction of roads, schools and hospitals. While the adults draft out policies, the Youths implement them. Again, the police force and the military contain a majority of youths.

Emigration of these same Youths will not only create a vacuum in these areas where they are needed, it will equally reduce the man power that is needed for constructions and security which contribute to the abandonment of so many projects and in security which is dangerous to the continent.

(II) It hampers economic growth

Youths play a vital role to the growth of the economy as they participate in the day to day activities of the continent. An Economy can only boost when youths who have the strength are actively involved in the transportation of goods from the farm to the market, or from the airport or sea port to the market, and are also involved in economic decisions that concerns them. The absence of Youths due to emigration will drastically hinder economic growth as many products will be abandoned in farms, and many companies will shrink because those to control machines and perform some hard tasks will not be available.

(III) It reduces government’s revenue

It is very annoying for African governments to invest in the youths by giving them an almost free educational and vocational training, only for them to travel out of the continent when they are at working ages. Some will even start up a business, abandon and emigrate. Here, African governments lose the taxes these individuals are to pay to the coffers, while the receiving State benefits from housing and investment taxes. This is very detrimental to most African governments who depend on taxes as their prime source of revenue.

After discussing the effects of Emigration, it will be sound reasoning to epilogue this subject by leaving you with proposed Solutions.

 (3) *Proposed Solutions*

The Proposed Solutions to prevent or reduce Emigration of African Youths constitutes;

— Standardising Educational and Training Institutions at home.

— Boosting Domestic Employment Opportunities

— Creating Incentives for Diaspora Investment

— Improving health Facilities

— Securing Peace at all Cost.

If these proposed solutions can be implemented, then the long talk of African Youths Emigration will be a silent noise. Thanks for reading.



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