More Anglophone activists hunted as crisis deepens


As the ongoing crisis in the North West and South West Regions deepens, the government has multiplied efforts to apprehend those considered to be fanning the flames of the crisis in order for the activists to face trial at the military court like

Mancho Bibixy, Tsi Conrad, Penn Terence and others.

According to trusted security sources friendly to The SUN, another activist, Agbor Pepsi is under police searchlights for being one of those inciting the violence in the Anglophone regions through his activism.

Reports hold that Agbor Pepsi, like his father Tebeck Simon, was an active member of the outlawed Southern Cameroons National Council, SCNC, a movement in Cameroon fighting against the marginalization of Southern Cameroons and for the autonomous state of Southern Cameroons.

Following the mass protest that broke out against the regime in power in 2015 in the two English Regions of Cameroon, many protesters were arrested including Agbor’s father but   Agbor Pepsi struggled to escape and thus became a target. He was immediately declared wanted by the regime. Matters became worst for Agbor Pepsi when his father was beaten to death by the police for not disclosing the whereabouts of his son.

Agbor Pepsi alongside his mother, we gathered had to sneak to their uncle’s residence for fear of the unknown. Family sources narrated, on condition of anonymity, that Agbor Pepsi one fateful night met his uncle raping his mother.

Agbor Pepsi
Agbor Pepsi

Agbor engaged his uncle in a brawl leading to his uncle’s death.

Coupled with the fact that Agbor was under police searchlight for his SCNC activities, he abandoned his mother and sneaked to an unknown destination. The family claims that they don’t know his whereabouts and have been facing persistent intimidation from the police to produce him. They claim their family house has been raided at least three times by security officers in search of Agbor. The government is still cracking down on the SCNC activists with heavy jail term awaiting them if arrested.

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