Anglophone crisis brings more ministers to Bamenda

By Mokum Thomas
Before Common Law Lawyers of the Northwest and South West took to the streets last October 2016, and later joined by Anglophone teachers to decry gross marginalization and assimilation of the anglosaxon heritage by the predominantly French system, most government ministers will not came to the Northwest Region, they will rather send representatives.


The situation has drastically reversed in the past few months as ministers have been visiting the region in droves for one reason or the other.
Within the last two months, more ministers have visited the northwest region that the two previous years combined. First it was the minister of Basic Education, Youssouf Hadidja Alim who was in Bamenda early April for the 12 edition of the national finals of the FENASSCO LEAGUE B games that ran from the 3 to the 6 of April. Weeks later, it was the minister of Higher Education, Professor Jacques Fame who came to launch the 20 edition of the All University games hosted by the University Of Bamenda in bambili.
Minister Jacques Fame Ndongo was not in Bamenda alone, he was with the minister of Special Duty at The Presidency, Atanga Nji Paul and the Minister of Sports and Physical Education, Perre Bidoung Mkpatt.
Then came the turn of the minister of Urban Development and Town Planning for the inspection of low cost housing in Bamenda which was closely followed by that of the minister of Public Health who came to lay the foundation stone for an 18 month project to construct the Bamenda university teaching hospital that will cost the Cameroon government some Fcfa 15 billion with about 250 beds after construction.

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