Anglophone crisis: Catholic Church in shock! Ex-Buea Diocese Education Secretary, Rev. Fr. Sob shot dead in Muyuka Uniform men raid parish house in Mamfe

By Atia Tilarious Azohnwi, Ikome Christie-noella Eposi and Sah Terence Animbom
The Roman Catholic Church and the general public are in shock following the tragic death of Rev. Fr. Nougi Alexander Sob, Parish Priest of Sacred Heart Parish Bomaka – Buea.
The former Buea Diocesan Catholic Education Secretary was shot dead, Friday, July 20, 2018, in Muyuka, apparently caught by a stray bullet as security forces battle pro-independence fighter in the area.
“It is with a heavy heart and great sadness that we announce the passing onto glory of our beloved Priest Rev. Fr. Alexander Nougi Sob, a priest of our Local Church who was shot in Muyuka…” the Vicar General of the Buea Diocese, Rev. Fr. Asek Bernard said in a July 21 statement.

Rev.  Fr. Nougi Alexander Sob: a bullet through the heart of the church
Rev. Fr. Nougi Alexander Sob: a bullet through the heart of the church

Affectionately called “Wonder Boy”, the demise of Father Sob has been received with great shock by faithful across denominations.
Some sources say the Servant of God was visiting his mother at their home in Muyuka when he was killed. It is said that stray bullets took him as he went to pick up something from his car to give to him mother before making his return journey to Buea.
Other accounts suggest that he might have been shot at close range. Those who hold this view say he had packed his vehicle in front of a popular shot around the Muyuka Market waiting for the deafening gunshots to fade out before driving to Buea.
He is said to have died before he was taken to the Muyuka District Hospital in a Mount Mary Hospital Ambulance. His mortal remains have been preserved at the mortuary of the Buea Regional Hospital Annex as funeral arrangements are awaited.
Soldiers attack Okoyong parish house
Following an attack on security forces by purported pro-independence fighters at the Mile 5 Okoyong mixed military control post in Mamfe claiming the lives of two officers on Monday July 16, 2018, the military launched a crackdown.
In a raid that followed, soldiers reportedly stormed the Parish House of Saints Peter and Paul Parish Okoyong Mamfe, where Rev. Fr. Aurore Tuekam is Parish Priest. Reports from workers and religious living in the Parish house say the Military broke into the house on Thursday, July 19, 2018 and asked them to lie with their faces on the floor as they ransacked the whole house.
“After searching the house and breaking into the rooms of the priests, they confiscated our phones and left,” a worker told The SUN.
In a telephone chat with The SUN, Rev. Fr. Tuekam said: “I am away from Mamfe on an official assignment and I am getting very disturbing news from my Parish. I am being told that our men in Uniform broke into my residence and scattered everywhere forcing open my room and searching for whatever God alone knows. They also broke into the room of one of my curates and equally turned it upside down. As it stands now, I can’t say exactly what has been taken from there and I equally cannot say what they were looking for.” The soldiers are said to have left the parish house to the homes of other villagers, subjecting many to cruel treatment.
The raiding of the Okoyong Parish House comes to add to a list of three other Roman Catholic Mission Parish houses raided by the military in Mamfe Diocese. Among the parish houses raided include the Precious Blood of Jesus Parish Azi, Sacred Heart Parish Kajifu, and St. Martin of Thores Parish Kembong.

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