Anglophone Crisis: More youths, businessmen go underground for allegedly siding with separatists


More and more businessmen within the crisis-stricken Anglophone regions of Cameroon have resorted to going underground after surviving arrest torture and detention from the military for allegedly collaborating with separatist fighters, commonly known as “Amba Boys”, who are fighting for the restoration of the independence of the statehood of former British Southern Cameroons, termed Ambazonia. Reports say this situation has caused many to migrate to French Cameroon, while others have fled to neighbouring countries as refugees. According to statistics from human rights groups, over 3000 person have been killed, hundreds kidnapped, thousands of houses and over 300 villages razed with over 53000 persons identified as Internally Displaced, with over 35000 as refugees in Nigeria. Some have been left in constant fears either for the demise of their love ones or because their houses have been razed. These attacks have been so alarming that human rights groups across the board have concluded that Cameroon is no longer safe. The Cameroon Government has, for over two years now, been battling to arrest the situation but tensions continue to intensify with civilian population in the North West and South West Regions in peril, panic and pandemonium. Due to his confusion, and fear of the unknown, many youths and businessmen continue to go underground.

Reports say one of the most vibrant youth in Matoh village ,Konye Sub Division, Meme Division of the South West Region,  Motale Dieudonne Efilo like many others accused of siding with the Separatist is at large and his where about remains cloudy since November 2018. As the youth leader of his native Matoh village Motale has suffered from numerous arrests, torture, molestation due to his role rallying other youths, educating and sensitizing them carrying placards on the illegal annexation of southern Cameroon. Motale Dieudonne sources hinted that had the greatest molestation and torture was in August 2018 when the military invaded the village and arrested him alongside members of the village youth Council for aiding, supporting and sponsoring secessionist movement. Motale’s case even more complicated because the military had gathered information that he was the brain behind the holding of past rallies in the village. Reports hold that even though his mother Bokwe Lydia Bue challenged the allegations against Motale Dieudonne Efilo, the military threaten to detain her. Due to molestation and torture on Motale, he was hospitalized. Soon after he was discharged, due to fear of the unknown following frequent military raids in the village, Motale and other vulnerable youths  went underground  an till date his where about remains cloudy. As we went to Press the military had raided Matoh and shot to death Motale’s junior brother Ituka Desmond Maya thinking that he was Motale Dieudonne Efilo.

Motale Dieudonne Efilo on the run due to the arm conflict in the NW/ SW Regions of Cameroon.

It should be recalled that sometimes in September 2017 following the outburst of the Anglophone crisis that metamorphosed into an arm conflict, a Fontem livestock farmer and Businessman Asong Christopher Mbengu for example remains unknown since October 2017 after he suffered from a brutal military attack, according to family sources. Reports say Asong Christopher Mbengu who was operating one of the largest livestock farms in Nchentem Fontem in Lebialem Division, South West Region, witnessed the greatest molestation from the military. According to reliable sources Asong as a renowned livestock farmer. His farm had   above 1000 table birds, 100 pigs, goats, rabbits, and cattle’s. He also equally accompanied and educated other farmers technically in different villages. Sources in Fontem say he had gained the confidence of most farmers and consumers. Prior to the celebration of the “ independence of day of Southern Cameroon” on September 22 2017 he flooded most neighbourhood markets like  Menji  and Belua Azi  with his animals to sell.  Reports say September 25 2017 was the day everything went wrong for Asong Christopher. While feeding his animals in the farm two trucks carrying well armed military men call BIR fired gunshots creating panic and casualties. He was accused of organizing and feeding separatists groups in the different villages just because he was seen selling his animals as mentioned above. They broke into house ransacked all rooms and destroyed all  part of his pig building . Thereafter, they unlawfully humiliated, tortured him and killed two of his workers and carried the corpse away. Eye witnesses say, Asong was blind folded, his face cover by the military and transported by the military truck to an unknown destination. . Family sources hinted that Asong was finally jailed in Dschang West Region on trump up terrorism charges.

Asong Christopher Mbengu where about unknown.

It should be recalled that the crisis, which started in 2016 with a strike action by Common Law lawyers and Anglophone teachers against marginalization has transformed into an arm-conflict with Anglophones from all walks of life, including Southern Cameroon National Council, members, businessmen, nurses, youths and the clergy being killed in cross-fire between security forces and separatist fighters, while others are either termed black legs by “Amba Boys” and molested/kidnapped for ransom or arrested, tortured and tried at the military tribunals with life jail terms for allegedly taking side with the separatists.

As we went to Press, Source have disclosed that, since then Asong Christopher Mbengu where about remains a misery as the military keep parading their Nchentem village in search for him and many other suspected Anglophone activists.

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