Barrister Eyoh Njomo sued for defamation of character

An incident related to IQ, Intelligence Quotient, was introduced in the Balondo Cultural Development Association Forum [ BACUDA] sometime in 2023.

The plaintiff (Dr. Aja Oro) had raised a polite and unbiased contradictory opinion that did not bode well with the definition of the defendant, Barrister Eyoh Njomo of Lobe Village.

Barrister Eyoh Njomo allegedly reacted disproportionately, unleashing baseless, unfounded, and unimaginable dehumanizing, sexually derogatory epithets on Dr. Aja Oro.

Dr. Aja Oro, Balondo Global Scholar, USA. Plaintiff

Mr. Njomo also claimed that Dr. Aja Oro was not a Balondo person and that a DNA test was necessary to determine his paternity and proper tribal identity, including the integrity of degrees he obtained [ in class] from Temple University [ founded in 1884] Philadelphia, PA, and Howard University [founded in 1867] Washington, DC: both universities have more than 500,000 graduates who have made the world a better place in different fields of endeavor.

The preceding vituperative imputations of an accomplished international scholar [ first to bag a PhD in Balondo homeland], a noble and celebrated community organizer, were read by all the members in the forum so that Mr. Njomo’s fallacious and improper utterances greatly injured the reputation and pride of a very important balondo personality. The irony is that the author of the contradictory opinion is based in the United States and is almost thirty years older than Mr. Njomo.

Barrister Eyoh Njomo Dobbrining: Defendant

Considering that Mr. Njomo could not contain himself over a frivolous argument about the proper definition of IQ, even though it did not puncture his small, maniacal ego, it was clear that Mr. Njomo had the ulterior motive to blatantly damage the character of a superior, who presented a more informed explanation of the concept in question, a serious miscalculation (on his part),leading to charges for defamation filed against him on the 19/03/2024 in the Court of First Instance Limbe, Suit No: CFIL/31/2024.Realistically, there would have been no civil lawsuit had Mr.Njomo adhered to the BAR’s CODE [ attorney’s code of ethics].

As an overview,the Attorneys’ Code of Ethics establishes the principles and rules of conduct that attorneys [ lawyers] shall always follow in fulfilling their professional responsibilities and to preserve the dignity of, and respect for, the legal profession. The basic principles are contained in the solemn oath that every attorney takes when beginning his or her professional legal activity. These principles must be a component part of each attorney’s own conscience and belief. Apparently, they were not meant for Mr. Njomo, who deems himself invisible and above the law he was certified to defend. In this regard, I must conclude by suggesting that the Cameroon Bar Association should sanction him.

Dr. Aja Oro, Balondo Global Scholar, USA.

Obanandongo 1 of Ekondo-Nene, Ekondo-Titi subdivision, Southwest Region, Cameroon.

+ 240 714 9912.

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