Bishop Agapitus Nfon ordains three new priests for Kumba Diocese

Bishop Agapitus Nfon ordains three new priests for Kumba Diocese
The newly created diocese of Kumba that covers Meme,Ndian and Kupe-Muanenguba Division has been blessed with three new servants of God. Reverend Father Edwond Ebong Sone Ngalame, Julius Mimba Kukuru and Neville Nzume Nyame began their Priesthood following their ordination at the Sacred Heart Cathedral, Fiango Kumba, Thursday April 20, 2017, during a solemn ceremony consecrated by the Bishop of Kumba Diocese, His Lordship Bishop Agapitus Nfon.
Drawing inspiration from the Holy scripture according Matthew 20:25 -28, the Man of God urged the newly ordained servants of God to live up to expectations and to administer theiir duties with the fear of the Lord. He also called on them to save souls. Bishop Agapitus Nfon urged them to resolve to implore with God’s mercy upon the people they are entrusted to care for by observing the command to pray for them without ceasing and above all, to unite closely every day with Christ, the High Priest, who offered himself for us to the Father as pure sacrifice, and with him, to sacrifice and consecrate themselves to God for the salvation of all.

Bishop Agapitus Nfon ordains three new priests for Kumba Diocese
Profiling the newly ordained Priests, the Bishp Agapitus disclosed that they are a square peg in a square hole. The Bishop observed that Reverend Father Edmond Sone who was born on December 29, 1988 after his primary education, enrolled in Bishop Rogan College Soppo and latter on in St Paul’s Higher Technical and Commercial College Bonjongo in 2004. After three years of Philosophical studies in STAMS, Bambui, he served at the Sacred Heart Parish Fiango and later spent some four years studying Theology in STAMS. He was later ordained Deacon on May 8, 2016 by His Lordship Immanuel Bushu and before his priestly ordination he served as Parish Deacon to St John Bosco’s Parish Mbonge.
Reverend Father Julius Mimba Kuruku attended St Joseph Primary school Missellele, Imperial Academic Arts and Science College Tiko, GHS Muyuka. He later obtained a Degree in Political Science fom the University of Buea then he went to Bishop Rogan Minor Seminary, Buea, and the St John Mary Vianney Spiritual Centre, Bafut. He later served at St Joseph’s Parish, Touboro, STAMS Bambui, and St Luke’s Parish, Nyandong before his priestly ordination.
Rev. Brother Neville Nyame Nzume Capuchin Friars in Cameroon, on his part was described as a described as a time keeper, florist receptionist, sacristan, store Manager, perfect gardener and dean of Bambui Fraternity, was ordained Deacon in 2016 at the Metropolitan Cathedral, Big Mankon by His Grace Cornelius Fontem Esua.

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