Business in Cameroon gets recognition from Finance Ministry

Business in Cameroon wins Best Online Economic Press Award for 2023. The prestigious award was presented by the Cameroonian Ministry of Finance during the financing plan announcement ceremony for FY2024, held on February 15, 2024. The event was graced by the presence of the Finance Minister, Louis Paul Motaze.

The award ceremony was part of a broader initiative to unveil the state’s financing plan for 2024, where Business in Cameroon was honoured alongside EcoMatin, which secured the first prize in the Best Printed Economic Press category, and The Guardian Post, which was awarded the second prize in the same category.

Business in Cameroon has been distinguished for its dedication to providing high-quality economic and financial information daily to its readers in Cameroon and across the globe over the past twelve years. The Ministry of Finance recognized the online media for its significant role in disseminating information about financial markets and supporting state initiatives.

Samuel Tela, the Treasury Director at the Ministry of Finance, praised the outlet for its commitment to delivering pertinent and factual news. “Business in Cameroon is an online newspaper that supports the state, follows financial markets, and informs the public. The media has effectively relayed information we have initiated on the financial markets to the general public. It stands out for the relevance of its information and the accuracy of the facts it publishes,” he commented.

Aboudi Ottou, the editor-in-chief of Business in Cameroon, expressed gratitude towards the Cameroonian monetary authorities for their recognition. “This distinction motivates us to work even harder to continue providing our readers with high-quality economic and financial information,” Ottou stated.

Since its inception in 2011, Business in Cameroon has emerged as one of the foremost media platforms dedicated to economic and financial news in Cameroon. Today, it positions itself as the premier information platform for investors, economic operators, and public decision-makers. With nearly two million monthly visits and a social media community of almost 500,000 members, the online media continues to be a critical resource for economic and financial insights in Cameroon.

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