-BY NDUMBE BELL Joseph Gaston in Douala

Alios Finance Cameroun successful raised multi-purpose bonds through the Central African Stock Exchange (BVMAC) for up to the tune of FCFA 8 billion and over, to finance the hydra-headed investments of their partners in the very small entreprise, SMES, corporate and multinational sectors.

The deals were confirmed on February 5 at the confines of the BVMAC headquarters Douala following the traditional chyming sounds of the bell at II.00 am where all financial operators of the CEMAC zone would see the transfer of the transaction into compartment “C” of the financial institution. This was followed by a standing ovation by all the local, regional and financial representatives in the presence of the Governor of the Littoral region Samuel Ivaha Deboua.

Governor Ivaha Deboua (M) among other ALIOS and concerned representatives during the occasion

The first bond package amounts to FCFA 3.473.030.000 for a duration of 5 years (2023-2028) attracting an annual interest rate of 6.05 percent. The other bond package amounts to FCFA 4.607.850.000 for a duration of 3 years(2023-2026) attracting an annual interest rate of 6 percent. FCFA 808.088 had earlier been procured by investors during the placement period.

The illustrious BangaNtolo Managing Director of  BVMAC said they are available to anyone who is to create wealth and so far, Alios has been using the services of BVMAC and this transactions has confirmed the  BVMAC institution as an outstanding credible financial provider. He said ALIOS has already raised just less than FCFA 23 billion between 2018-2023. BangoNtolo said BVMAC is an altenative financial source for those whowish to diversify their sources. The gesture benefits ALIOS partners who need the refinancing and diversification of their investments. He then encouraged the General Manager George Fotso to continue in the same viein.

ALIOS Finance Cameroun’s General Manager George Fotso said from this package, they have the intentions to go further. Our government talks about import substitutions so we have to change the development process. We have diverse sectors who are our customers. These people have not yet succeeded in banks. When they go to banks it takes long. With ALIOS, it takes 8 days if they have a good portfolio. This short period helps to bring about rapid economic growth.

The DG of BVMAC concluded that one of their priorities is to provide access to financing development and rapid development will create more value in the economy; for example creating  jobs, improving incomes and  so on.

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