Cameroon gets 14 new Associate Professors

Curtains were drawn last November 15, 2017 on the 18th professorial competitive examination in Law and Political Science, Economic and Management Sciences of the African and Malagasy Council for Higher Education better known by its French acronym as CAMES with some 41 candidates declared successful out of the 103 who sat for the session.
The academic grades of the 41 successful candidates have therefore been changed as they are now Associate Professors.
Rated at 39.81%, the 2017 CAMES results were declared during a solemn ceremony presided at last November 15, 2017 at the Yaounde Conference Centre by CAMES Chair, Minister Jacques Fame Ndongo of Higher Education, who doubles as Chancellor of Academic Orders in the presence of the Secretary General of CAMES, Prof Mbatchi Bertrand, other state senior officials, university dons, family members etc who came to take part in the celebration of what was termed academic excellence.
The results portrayed that Private Law recorded a success rate of 31.82%, Public Law 21.74%, Institution History 50%, Management Sciences 64.29%, Economic Science43.24% and Political Science, 60%.

CAMES SG, Prof Bertrand Mbatchi hands certificate to female laureate
CAMES SG, Prof Bertrand Mbatchi hands certificate to female laureate

Out of 33 candidates presented by Cameroon, 14 of them were successful at the 18th CAMES exams among whom were two majors; Prof Keugong Rolande Saurelle of the University of Dschang Private Law department and Prof Momo Claude of the University of Douala Public Law Department.
While congratulating the successful candidates, Prof Jacques Fame Ndongo challenged them to illuminate the African and world university landscapes as he tasked them to be “flag bearers of the renovation CAMES universities and research institutions. Don’t be only heads that are well full but also those that are well made.”
The occasion was crowned by the award of Coris Bank Prize to the overall best, Madi Koanda in the management science of the University of Ouaga II.
CAMES Secretary General, Bertrand Mbatchi expressed gratitude to the government of Cameroon for the successful organization of the 18th session hosted by the University of Yaoundé II, Soa.

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