Cameroon National Episcopal Conference conclude 47th Annual Seminar

By Nchumbonga George Lekelefac

The National Episcopal Conference of Cameroon (NECC) held its 47th Annual Seminar in Maroua in the Far North Region of Cameroon from January 6 to 13, 2024 in the Diocese of Maroua-Mokolo hosted by Bishop Bruno Ateba Edo, S.A.C., Bishop of Maroua-Mokolo, Cameroon. This article will attempt to give a report of the 47th annual seminar. As a reminder, the 46th annual bishops of last year seminar took place from January 7 to 14, 2023, in Ebolowa which was hosted by Bishop Philippe Alain Mbarga, Bishop of Ebolowa, Cameroon.

Day 1: Friday January 5, 2024

On Friday January 5, 2024, the last adjustments in the diocese of Maroua – Mokolo were done which included preparations for the 47th Annual Seminar of the Bishops of Cameroon. More than 90% of the work had already been carried out as usual. The organizing committee with the diocesan bishop at the head, Bishop Bruno Ateba Edo went over all the points with keen attention. Gardeners, cooks, hoteliers, electricians, sweepers, journalists, liturgists, choristers, readers, altar servers, priests, religious and the faithful were all ready and well orientated at work to offer the bishops of Cameroon a most warm and exemplary welcome.

All the details were examined and the rehearsals of the ceremonies carried out with utmost enthusiasm. Bishop Bruno Ateba, the great master of ceremonies, the great architect showed everyone what they should do and how they should do it. With meticulousness and delicacy, Bishop Bruno went around making sure everything was in place. The Bishops’ Seminar will close the celebration of the fiftieth (Golden Jubilee) Anniversary of Maroua-Mokolo diocese which has been eagerly awaited by the faithful. A building was also erected for this purpose: the fiftieth anniversary building, a high standard building to be used for housing all the bishops of Cameroon. All that remained was to welcome the bishops of Cameroon and all the guests who will come as part of this event. The reception system was already very promising. The bishops experienced it for themselves, as soon as we arrived. Msgr. Dr. Jervis Kebei Kewi, Secretary General of NECC highlighted this important point of hospitality which was seen in the way the people welcomed the bishops right from the airport. He encouraged the Diocese of Buea to meet the Maroua standard of warm hospitality.

Arrival of the Bishops

After a long wait, it was finally around 7:30 p.m. when the plane with the bishops of Cameroon on board set foot on the ground of Maroua Salak International Airport. Despite the fatigue and the weight of the day, the joy of the welcome was quite breathtaking. The faithful, communities, dance groups, religious men and women, priests, media men and the bishop of Maroua-Mokolo himself jubilated at the sight of the guests who disembarked from the plane. The bishops themselves, visibly tired from the trip, let themselves be carried away by the same joy of the meeting and entered into the program that awaited them without any resistance.

After the welcome at the airport, it will be time for solemn vespers at Notre-Dame de Founangué Cathedral. There again, just like the airport, hundreds of faithful were waiting. Together with the bishops, they will pray the evening prayer known as vespers. The solemn vespers will be presided over by the local ordinary, Mgr Bruno Ateba Edo. After that, the long procession of bishops from Cameroon to Maroua will set off towards the bishop’s house. The reception system will be responsible for accomodating all the bishops in the four-star rooms prepared for them. The apotheosis of this long day will then be the great feast given by the master of the house, Bishop Bruno in the bishop’s garden. This will mark the end of the first day.


Pictures of Arrival of bishops.


Day 2: Saturday January 6, 2024

The second day of the 47th seminar of the bishops of Cameroon was marked by recollection. A time of prayer before the work itself. The day began with prayer, contemplation and meditation with Lauds. From 9:30 a.m., the bishops of Cameroon, gathered at the bishopric of Maroua-Mokolo, as part of their 47th annual seminar, who were already following the first session of the recollection scheduled before the work. Putting God first, they wanted, above all else, to pray to ask for the strength and wisdom of God. This spiritual exercise was chaired by the Metropolitan Archbishop of Garoua, Mgr Faustin Ambassa Ndjodo on the theme: “the place of the Holy Spirit in our synodal walk” For the Archbishop of Garoua, we cannot walk together as children of God, if we do not have the Holy Spirit.

After the first session, the bishops will take advantage of the peaceful setting of the bishopric of Maroua-Mokolo to meditate. Nature, flowers, the orderliness and cleanliness of the buildings help to seek and find the one who lets himself be found in the silence of the heart. Everything had been carefully prepared and arranged so that the freshness of the flowers and gardens, the color of the walls, the regularity of the paths, the splendor of the buildings and the discretion of the staff could allow for great concentration. The bishops will meet at 12:15 p.m. in the small chapel of the Reception Center of the Diocese of Maroua-Mokolo for Mass and the Angelus. This time, the other people present as part of this seminar joined them while maintaining the climate of prayer and meditation. The mass will be presided over once again by the Metropolitan Archbishop of Garoua, Archbishop Faustin Ambassa Ndjodo. In his homily, the preacher of the day stated: “Jesus who received baptism among sinners is the one who will die among sinners… In our life, we must become aware, not only of the sin in us, but also of the sin around us.”

Journalists, religious, priests and staff of the National Episcopal Conference of Cameroon joined the bishops of Cameroon to celebrate the baptism of the Lord. The opportunity for some to take photos, videos, and even interviews at the end of the mass was done. We could then see that all the bishops of Cameroon were really present. Those of the Ecclesiastical Province of Bamenda with Archbishop Andrew Nkea, Archbishop of Bamenda as figurehead, those of the Ecclesiastical Province of Douala with Archbishop Samuel Kleda as figurehead, those of the Ecclesiastical Province of Yaoundé with Archbishop Jean Mbarga as figurehead, those of the ecclesiastical Province of Bertoua with H.E. Mgr Joseph Atanga as figurehead and those of the ecclesiastical Province of Garoua, Archbishop Faustin Ambassa Ndjodo, who was the preacher of recollection as figurehead.

After a short siesta, the bishops met at 5 p.m. for adoration. Thus, the 47th annual seminar of the bishops of Cameroon, January 2024 edition in Maroua, began with a day of prayer and contemplation. The next day will be marked by the grand opening ceremony, the guided tour of the Cathedral and the report of the Synod on synodality.

Day 3: Sunday January 7, 2024

This day of the Lord will be the solemn opening mass in Notre-Dame de Founangué Cathedral at 10 a.m. This colorful mass was celebrated at the Cathedral under the seal of the Epiphany. In the morning, they prayed the morning prayer, ecclesiastically known as lauds, which took place in the chapel of the bishopric. Later, they went to the Cathedral where the mass was celebrateds at the cathedral of Founangue presided over by Bishop Bruno Ateba Edo, bishop of the diocese of Maroua-Mokolo and local ordinary of the diocese. The Eucharistic celebration focused on the Epiphany. This celebration which is the manifestation, the revelation of light, as recalled by Bishop Bruno Ateba Edo and Mgr Andrew Nkea, bishop of the diocese of Bamenda and president of the National Episcopal Conference of Cameroon (CENC) must be a vector (trajectory) of appeasement in us, for us to be apostles of peace for our families, society, our country.

Present for this high mass were the administrative authorities of the Far North region, like His Excellency Mr. Midjiwaya Bakary, the governor; Mr. Daniel Kaldaoussou, president of the Regional Council; Mr. Jean Marc Ekoa Mbarga, prefect of Diamare; Mr. Sa’ aly Babami, mayor of the city. The Christians, who came from all sides, were jubilant. They were fully present with the prelates. The “diocesan choir”, the choir which led the celebration electrified the cathedral, thanks to a traditional Toupouri dance: the stick dance.

Monday January 8, 2024

The day of January 8, 2024 will be for the bishops of Cameroon a day of recollection, prayer, contemplation and rest enhanced by Lauds, the discovery of the Cathedral.

Tuesday January 9, 2024

The official opening ceremony took place from 9 a.m. The work of the 47th annual bishops’ seminar began on January 9, 2024 at the bishopric of the diocese of Maroua-Mokolo. It was 4 p.m. The discussions between the prelates lasted more than 2 hours. This particular aside was preceded by a visit to Notre Dame de l’Assomption Cathedral. Located in the Founangue district, this architectural masterpiece was created by a team of students from the University of Maroua led by Dr Cyrille Zeh, lecturer/researcher at the University of Maroua, architect, expert in Fine Arts, sculptor, painter, designer; the “sons of Maroua” created several frescoes highlighting the visitation, the nativity, the wedding of Cana, the baptism of Jesus. Almost all the materials used for the construction of this building came from the Northern regions, as declared Dr Cyrille Zeh, during his speech, to the audience, made up of all the archbishops and bishops, journalists and some Christians.

In addition to local materials, other “ornaments” came from Germany; like the three bells which “call out” at specific times, explained Mgr Bruno Ateba Edo, bishop of the diocese of Maroua-Mokolo. In addition to the 72 posts covered with Figuil and Guider marble, visitors and the bishops also appreciated and immortalized the “treasure” room. It is in this room, which is located in the basement, that the shoes of the venerable Baba Simon are found.

Two hours before this architectural discovery, Mgr Andrew Fuanya Nkea, Archbishop of Bamenda and president of the National Episcopal Conference of Cameroon (NECC) opened the work of the 47th annual seminar of the bishops of Cameroon. In his opening speech, Archbishop Nkea deplored the abuses of Boko Haram which are sowing desolation in many families. He also had a thought for the victims of the crisis in the North-West and South-West. In the presence of His Majesty Abdoulaye Yerima Bakary, lamido of Maroua, Midijiwiya Bakary, governor of the Far North region, other administrative authorities. Archbishop Andrew Funya Nkea, praised the defense and security forces for the titanically colossal work and sacrifices they make for the nation. Bishop Bruno Ateba, presented the geographical and postal maps of the diocese and returned to the genesis of the diocese of Maroua-Mokolo.

After this session, the bishops could be seen dancing outside the building and enjoying the warm hospitality and social atmosphere. The bishops visited the major seminary chapel. The chapel of this august priestly training institution served as the setting for the celebration of the third mass of the 47th annual seminar of the bishops of Cameroon. It was a real occasion of joy for the major seminarians and the formators of this house of formation. The welcoming of all the bishops of Cameroon is always an exceptional event. And for this, the ordinary was made solemn and the mass led by the major seminarians was experienced with great intensity by the bishops themselves, by those who accompanied them as well as by the young aspirants to the priesthood.

Archbishop Jean Mbarga and Bishop Leopold Sosthène Bayemi Matjei respectively presided over the mass and preached. He insisted on faith and underscored that seminarians like all Christians must firmly believe in Jesus Christ. Only this faith allows us to remain unshakeable in the midst of the winds and contradictory discourses of this time. For Archbishop Jean Mbarga, seminary comes from the Latin Seminarium which means seed. The seminarians are therefore the good seed of the church called to grow to bring new blood to the Church of Jesus Christ. It will be around a festive breakfast that the guests will separate to give rise to the rest of the program of the Bishops’ Seminar.

Archbishop Jean Mbarga and Bishop Leopold Sosthène Bayemi Matjei respectively presided over the mass and preached
Opening Speech by Archbishop Nkea, President of NECC
His Majesty Abdoulaye Yerima Bakary, lamido of Maroua was present at the opening ceremony.


Family Picture
Speech by Mayor of Maroua


Wednesday, January 10, 2024

The day of January 10, 2024 began with morning prayers and followed by morning mass which was celebrated with members of the Divine Mercy Community of Maroua, an English-speaking community. By 7:30 a.m., all the bishops were already gathered in the first church of the Diocese of Maroua-Mokolo, built in 1948 by the Oblate missionaries of Mary Immaculate. This Church was entrusted to this English-speaking community for liturgical and community use. In his welcome address, Father Christopher, administrator of this community, expressed his joy at welcoming all the bishops of Cameroon with the members of his very young community. The said morning mass was presided over by the Metropolitan Archbishop of Bertoua, Archbishop Joseph Atanga. He was assisted by two bishops of the ecclesiastical Province of Bamenda: Bishop Agapitus Enuyehnyoh Nfon, bishop of Kumba and Bishop Georges Nkuo, bishop of Kumbo. In his homily, the Bishop NKuo, Bishop of Kumbo said that “today it is up to our Church to bring the saving presence of Jesus to the whole world. Jesus heals as he healed Simon Peter’s mother-in-law” he underscored. According to Bishop Nkuo, “the source of life is prayer. Praying is important for Jesus and for us. Three words are important for the life of faith: prayer, contemplation and action. Jesus himself was looking for a place where he could be alone to pray. Very often we are too busy and we run the risk of forgetting prayer. Prayer was as important to Jesus for his healing ministry as it was for his preaching.”

After the mass, the bishops and their collaborators were treated to a princely breakfast offered by the beautiful and dynamic English-speaking community of the diocese of Maroua-Mokolo. Members of the CWA, CMA, Charismatic and Choir groups hustled to serve, and happily stayed for a while with the bishops of Cameroon.

Members of the Divine Mercy Community of Maroua, an English-speaking community in Maroua.

After the mass, the bishops and their collaborators were treated to a princely breakfast offered by the beautiful and dynamic English-speaking community of the diocese of Maroua-Mokolo.

The day will continue with work in plenary. In the morning the bishops were entitled to a presentation and in the afternoon, they will have a meeting behind closed doors. The day will end in the rhythm of prayer and meditation with the prayer of Vespers and Compline. The next day’s program promises to be busy with the pilgrimage in the footsteps of Baba Simon in Tokombéré…


The day will continue with work in plenary.


Thursday, January 11, 2024

On Thursday, January 11, 2024, in addition to the arrival of the Apostolic Nuncio in Maroua, the was a pilgrimage to the mountain of Baba Simon.

The first was activity was the arrival of the Apostolic Nuncio for Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea, Monsignor Jose Avelino Bettencourt. Welcomed at Maroua-Salak airport in the afternoon by Bishop Bruno Ateba Edo, bishop of the diocese of Maroua-Mokolo.

According to the program of the 47th annual bishops’ seminar, it is Archbishop Jose Avelino Bettencourt who will say the closing mass of this high mass. It will take place on Saturday January 13, 2024.

The second significant event of the day was the pilgrimage to Tokombéré, in the footsteps of Simon Mpeke, who became Baba Simon. Between the stations of the cross and the various stations carried out, the mass presided over by Archbishop Andrew Funya Nkea, Archbishop of Bamenda and president of the National Episcopal Conference of Cameroon (CENC).

The homily was delivered by Mgr Philippe-Alain Mbarga, who requested to the human tide present for this Eucharistic celebration of “serving God and not of using God”, of “refusing division”, of “asking for purification”, the discovery of the hut of Jean Marc Ela (hut where he wrote some of his most beautiful works such as My African faith).  The bishops of Cameroon made other discoveries, always in connection with the Venerable Baba Simon. Together, they visited the Museum dedicated to the “barefoot” priest. In this mythical place, they discovered everyday objects used by the “father” of the Kirdis, photos which retrace his life in this mountain of Kudumbar with the populations, an image of complicity with Jean Marc Ela, with whom he traveled for a long time.

From the traditional chiefdom of Mada, where the day of January 11, 2024 ended, the audience was surprised to learn from the traditional chief, that it was the father of His Excellency Mr. Cavaye Yeguie Djibril, President of the National Assembly (since 1992) who offered accommodation to Simon Mpeke, when he arrived in Tokombéré after he had been chased by the population, having nowhere to go.


Pictures of  pilgrimage to Tokombéré, in the footsteps of Simon Mpeke, who became Baba Simon


The father of His Excellency Mr. Cavaye Yeguie Djibril, President of the National Assembly (since 1992) offered accommodation to Simon Mpeke, when he arrived in Tokombéré after he had been chased by the population, having nowhere to go.



Pictures of Arrival of Apostolic Nuncio, Archbishop Bettencourt

Friday, January 12, 2024

The Archdiocese of Douala was in the spotlight. Despite the fatigue from climbing Mount Baba Simon, the day before, the bishops all woke up as usual for the 7:30 a.m. mass. The morning mass presided over by the bishops of the ecclesiastical Province of Douala who took on a particular character with the presence of the Apostolic Nuncio to Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea, who arrived the day before.

Archbishop Samuel Kleda, Archbishop of Douala was surrounded by Bishop Achille Eyabi, Bishop of Éseka and Bishop Abraham Kome, Bishop of Bafang presiding over this liturgy. In his homily, Bishop Achille Eyabi, the Bishop of Éseka insisted on the conviction that we must have as Christians today. Even in the darkest moments, faith can be affirmed. For him, the synodal march will consist of supporting each other so that the faith does not disappear. Quoting the Bishop of Maroua-Mokolo: “everyone needs everyone.”

After the closed sessions which followed in the afternoon, the day ended with a cultural evening offered to the bishops as a recreation by the faithful of the Saint Jean de Djarengol parish, the diocesan heart of Maroua, which enhanced the dinner, allowed the audience to appreciate the gifts given to the bishops and the Apostolic Nuncio by Bishop Bruno Ateba Edo to his colleagues.

Gift to Archbishop Bettencourt, Apostolic nuncio to Cameroon and Archbishop Nkea, President of NECC

Saturday, January 13, 2024

On this day, the Closing Ceremony of the 47th Annual Seminar of the National Episcopal Conference of Cameroon took place in Maroua. The mass was celebrated by Archbishop Jose Bettencourt, apostolic nuncio to Cameroon.

Legacy and History in the Making: Archbishop Jose Bettencourt presents letter of credence to Cameroon National Episcopal Conference

Before the penitential rite of the mass, Archbishop Jose Bettencourt presented his letter of credence to the National Episcopal Conference of Cameroon (NECC). He handed it Archbishop Nkea saying: “According a very old ancient tradition in the Roman Catholic Church, the envoy of the Pope MUST present the letter of credence to the Head of State, His Excellency Mr. Paul Biya. Also, according to a long and ancient tradition in the church which dates in the Acts of the Apostles, Apostle St. Peter sends to the Council of Jerusalem his Representative with a letter of presentation to the Local Conference of Bishops. Today, in the presence of all the Bishops of Cameroon, and in your presence, I present to His Excellence, Monsignor Archbishop Andrew Nkea, Archbishop of Bamenda, President of the National Episcopal Conference of Cameroon the letters of the Holy See that accredit me here in Cameroon as the Representative of Pope Francis.”

Archbishop Jose Bettencourt presented his letter of credence to the National Episcopal Conference of Cameroon (NECC) to its president: Archbishop Nkea.

There was an electric round of applause. It should be noted that this is the first time in the history of the Catholic church in Cameroon for an apostolic nuncio to present his letter of credence to the National Episcopal Conference of bishops. This gesture signified that the Archbishop Bettencourt has the same respect for the State and the church and that Cameroon Bishops are not inferior to the apostolic nuncio but collaborators in the Lord’s vineyard. A letter of credence is a formal diplomatic letter that designates a diplomat as ambassador to another sovereign state. Commonly known as diplomatic credentials, the letter is addressed from one head of state to another, asking them to give credence to the ambassador’s claim of speaking for their country.

During the Homily, Archbishop Bettencourt highlighted one point: “follow Christ, follow Christ.”  He said that he sees the bishops of Cameroon as his brothers. He refers to them as his brother bishops and he said he find himself comfortable among his brothers and that he brings his message of peace, unity and reconciliation. Above all he said he will do everything to accompany the Cameroonians to make sure that together they can build one country in Love, Peace and Unity. He also said that the Holy See is doing everything to respect all the accords that is between Cameroon and the Holy See.

Homily by Archbishop Bettencourt the Closing Ceremony of the 47th Annual Seminar of the National Episcopal Conference of Cameroon

During his final speech, Archbishop Nkea said that: “Your Excellency, the Apostolic Nuncio, we want to thank you sincerely for your humble and professional act of presenting your letter of credence to the Bishops of Cameroon in this Solemn Occasion of your first visit through the Seminar of Bishops. I want to tell you Your Excellency openly with all respect that for some old Bishops here who are looking towards retirement, this is their first time of witnessing the presentation of letters of credence to the Episcopal Conference. Thank you very much for your professional openness.”

Archbishop Bettencourt for the short time he has been in Cameroon since November 2, 2023 has already left a lasting legacy for Cameroonians to emulate. He is a simple and approachable pastor of souls who is very happy to serve in Cameroon. This is clearly seen in the way he goes about the city as if he were a Cameroon. He is only a Holy See Diplomat but has also proven to be an approachable pastor. He preferred to join the seminarians of St. Thomas Aquinas Major Seminary Bambui to celebrate their Golden Jubilee instead of going to Nden to join the rich Cameroon class to celebrate their centenary which had countless Ministers of the Country. In addition, for the short time that e has been in Cameroon, he had visited countless religious, orphanages, civil servants of all ranks and also the poor. I could say that he has visited people from all works of life and all classes. The Apostolic Nunciature which was a closed museum is now a place where priests religious a, journalist have visited and felt at home. It is thanks to Archbishop Bettencourt that we know that there is baobab tree at the Apostolic Nunciature. His face book page is an authentic source for research on the church in Cameroon. Thank you, Archbishop Bettencourt, for having for your enduring legacy.

The 47th Annual Seminar of the bishops ended with great pomp in the Our Lady of Assumption Cathedral Maroua. Before the final Blessing, Bishop Bruno Ateba Edo expressed his gratitude to all the bishops and all who helped in preparing the seminar.

Bishop Bruno Ateba Edo expressed his gratitude to all the bishops and all who helped in preparing the seminar.

Then the Final Communique written by Mgr. Dr. Jervis Kebei Kewi was read in English and French. Finally, Archbishop NKEA gave the closing speech and announced the next seminar built for Buea next year January 2025. This article has attempted to give a report of the 47th Annual Seminar of the bishops in Cameroon.

Final Communique written by Mgr. Dr. Jervis Kebei Kewi was read in English and French.


Finally, Archbishop NKEA gave the closing speech and announced the next seminar built for Buea next year January 2025.

Closing Mass pictures.


Nchumbonga George Lekelefac, Doctorandus, University of Münster, Germany; Europe/US Reporter in Chief of The SUN Newspaper, Cameroon.




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