Cameroon women business leaders’ association and NOFIA sign convention

A financial empowerment agreement described by the Cameroon Women Business Leaders Association (CWBLA) and a micro finance institution called NOFIA, as frictionless, was established at Rue du Commandant Fuller, Douala, last Thursday September 21.
The more than 300 member strong women entrepreneurs led by their founding President Adelaide Ngalle Miano, rejoiced over this arrangement for having increased their financial facilities to make business transactions less cumbersome to realize, after an earlier arrangement had taken place with Société Général (S.G Cameroun) in March this year.
CWBLA mission statement which are said to outreach women entrepreneurs and foster partnerships among them, act as an incubator for young female entrepreneurs and to access more women to play leadership roles in the political and socio economic landscape of the nation, are some of the resilient goals that, they believe, their arrangement with Nofia S.A and other financial institutions, stand for or will reap.
In a press briefing Mme Ngalle did not hide her feelings “Everyone knows how access to business credit is a major obstacle to economic growth so, today is historic. It is historic because we now have a financial collaborator to supply more oxygen in our entrepreneurial efforts. I will tell you that many women who are already in, have started benefitting from the arrangements.” So, did Madam Omam, who reiterated the benefits.
As for the Board Chair of NOFIA S.A, he stated that this is part of their commitment to advance professional integration.In a press briefing Honourable Manfouo David made his points clear “The woman is a bearer of happiness. Wherever and whenever a woman stresses that things have to work, they work. We have leaders here to develop our country by creating serious and irreversible progress toward an emerging economy in 2035. In their hearts of hearts they know they are mothers and reflect deeply. They have the needed human resources and now NOFIA S.A is to assist them financially. After having studied their case carefully, they merit financial assistance, so I am calling on all MPs, government and everyone else to assist them.

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