Cameroonian youth, Ndansi Elvis is pioneer Obama Foundation scholar

Cameroonian born youth leader, Ndansi Elvis Nukam will keep the country’s flag flying in the United States of America as one of the best 12 dynamic youth leaders in the world who have demonstrated commitment to finding solutions to challenges in their communities, countries and regions, selected to be mentored by US former President, Barack Obama.
Breaking the news to media professionals last August 11, 2018 at a press conference granted at the Heritage Higher Institute of Business Management at Biscuiterie in Yaounde, Ndansi Elvis promised that as pioneer cohort of President Obama Foundation Scholars Programme, he will make good use of the knowledge received upon his return to Cameroon after the one year training at renowned Columbia University in the US. Ndansi Elvis announced that upon arrival in the USA for the training that starts on the 24th of August 2018, President Barack Obama will personally welcome them.

Ndansi Elvis,  Pioneer Obama Foundation cohort
Ndansi Elvis,
Pioneer Obama Foundation cohort

“That the best President ever in the world decides to create a foundation and decides to mentor people as future leaders and he wants to choose 12 which I call the 12 disciples and I, a Cameroonian is among, then our country is greatly honoured by this.” Ndansi Elvis underlined.
Quizzed to know how beneficial the Obama scholarship will be for Cameroon, Ndansi Elvis Nukam explained that “If you can be trained to become a respectable leader by one of the world’s most celebrated leaders like Barack Obama, then it means that Cameroon is blessed because I run an organization called Unite for Health Foundation which works to provide access to basic healthcare to communities through the opening of micro clinics. Over the past ten years, my foundation has been able to provide access to healthcare to more than 12000 Cameroonians. So, that is leadership in my own domain of healthcare which means that upon my return if I am able to open more than 10 micro clinics again then I am helping Cameroonians. I will equally make use of the knowledge received in my political career.”
Ndansi Elvis, who served as The NUDP party’s National Youth President from 2012 to 2018 when he resigned, is the lone Cameroonian selected among the 12 best youth leaders in 6 continents (with 4 of them in Africa; Cameroon, Nigeria, South Africa and Uganda) out of over 10000 applicants in the world.

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