Cassava Leaves improve stroke, good for pregnant women & fight Kwashiorkor

     By Prof. Raphael Nyarkotey Obu


In Gambia, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Nigeria, and other African countries, cassava leaves are revered in the kitchen, unlike Ghana. They are used in making stew and soup.  History tells us that the oldest use of cassava was tracked by archaeologists from the University of Colorado who discovered a 1400-year-old cassava field under a pile of volcanic ash in Ceren, El Salvador, in 2007.

But what are the scientific benefits of cassava leaves in our diets?

I explore herein this article. Indeed, nature is filled with a treasure of beneficial plants, herbs, fruits, seeds, and flowers! All we need to know is how to make the most of these naturally available therapeutics. The Gambians are making use of nature in their kitchens to improve their health.

This is fortified in a study by Awoyinka et al.(1995) that explain that the leaves of this veggie can be used to prepare food as well.  The study further highlights that if we compare cassava leaves to other green vegetables, cassava’s nutrients fall short. However, the leaves of this plant have higher protein content when compared to the nutrients found in the roots of cassava.

Cassava leaves, science

Cassava leaves stew

Good for pregnant women

The Colorado State University states that pregnant women need lots of vitamin C and folate.  These two supplements are prescribed right from the beginning of the gestation period.  The good news is that folate and vitamin C are found in abundance in cassava leaves. A cup of cassava contains 15 percent of the daily folate requirement and 47 percent of the daily calcium requirement. Hence, eating cassava leaves in stews and soups during pregnancy periods improves pregnant women’s content of vitamin C and folate.

Fight kwashiorkor

Kismul et al.(2014) study found that Cassava leaves are full of lysine protein. This makes the leaves perfect for fighting against protein deficiency conditions like Kwashiorkor. However, depending on cassava as the sole source of protein can be harmful if the leaves are not cooked properly. There is evidence suggesting cassava contains cyanogenic glucosides. This can lead to loss of eyesight and cyanide poisoning. So the tuber and leaves must be washed properly and cooked well before eating.

Strengthen immunity notes that folate and vitamin C, both found in plenty in cassava leaves, are very good for the body’s immune system. Vitamin C helps the immune system by attacking the nucleus of viruses and bacteria, rendering them dead. It also maintains bone health. It is also a good antioxidant that eliminates free radicals in the body. Free radicals are known to have links with cancer. Folate helps in the production of cells in our body, thereby helping in making the genetic material for life and preventing DNA mutations

Destroys worms explained that the benefit of cassava leaves is grounded in solid research. It has been found that cassava leaves reduce nematode infection in the GI tract. An experiment was done on young goats that were fed a steady diet of fermentative additives of rice and cassava leaves. It was found that the supplementation drastically reduced the symptoms of nematodic infestation.

To take cassava to eliminate worms, you can buy cassava supplements found in pharmacies. You can also make a paste of cassava leaves and eat that as a whole.

Heal wounds also reasoned that cassava leaves are great for healing minor injuries and wounds. this is because it contains abundant nutrients that can heal injuries faster.  This is done by crushing cassava leaves in a little amount of Aloe Vera gel and making a smooth paste. Smear this paste on the wound. You can also use the stem of cassava in healing wounds. From the smooth paste made from the leaves and the gel, grate some of the cassava roots. If the wound is from a burn, squeeze the pulp out of cassava rhizomes and apply it daily to the wound.

Treat rheumatic diseases

Isabelle Dube (2009) reasoned that rheumatic diseases imply diseases in the muscles and joints. Osteoporosis, arthritis, spondylitis, and lupus are some examples. Cassava leaves are rich in magnesium. Hence, the study found that a diet high in magnesium leads to lowered blood pressure levels that reduce the chances of rheumatic diseases throughout life.

The author further explained that cassava supplies more than a third of your daily magnesium requirement per serving. According to, just in case you want to make an all-natural rheumatic medication, take 150 grams of cassava leaves, some lemongrass and salt along with 15 grams of ginger root. Boil these ingredients in a liter of water until the volume has reduced to about 400ccs. Drink this potion every morning to keep rheumatic diseases at bay.

Cure fever further explained that cassava leaves are also effective in treating fever. To get the best results, use the stem as well as the leaves of cassava to make a decoction. To make this, you have to boil the root and the leaves instead of steeping them in warm water. Simply take 400 grams of cassava leaves and 80 grams of the stem and boil them uncovered in a liter of water. When the volume of water is reduced by half, take it off the heat and cool.

Good for the eyes

The US Department of Agriculture (2018) explained that cassava is rich in Vitamin A and compounds such as bakarotennya that improve the health of your eyes and in the future prevents blindness or poor eyesight.

Prevents Cancer

A study by Cléro et al. (2012) found that cassava helps in preventing life-threatening diseases such as cancer. This is due to the B17 content in these leaves helps in stimulating the content of red blood cells, the loss of which often leads to cancer.

Treats diarrhea also found that cassava supports diarrhea too. You may take several pieces of cassava and boil it in water. Wait for it to come to room temperature. Drink this liquid twice a day to feel the difference.

Fights headache

For headaches, notes that you can take 60 grams of cassava roots or leaves and soak them in water for a couple of hours. Make fresh juice using a blender and then drink it down twice a day. And banish those killer headaches!

Help your hair grow faster also explained that for those tired of the condition of their hair, especially because of its slow growth, Cassava is the deal. Its roots and leaves can be used to make a fresh paste that can be applied to oiled hair an hour before you rinse it. Doing this twice a week will help you see changes.

Treating stroke

A study that has been conducted by experts shows that cassava leaves help to treat stroke because the cassava leaves possess isollavon which is an effective substance.

 Increase appetite

The boiled cassava leaves with garlic and salt should be consumed with tomato sauce and rice. The parts of cassava such as stems and tubers are also considered as traditional medicine. The cassava leaves help to restore the appetite. The concoction of cassava leaves with ginger should drink every morning after waking up.





Prof. Nyarkotey has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations to justify his write-ups. My articles are for educational purposes and do not serve as Medical advice for Treatment. I aim to educate the public about evidence-based scientific Naturopathic Therapies.


The author is a Professor of Naturopathic Healthcare and President of Nyarkotey College of Holistic Medicine & Technology (NUCHMT)/African Naturopathic Foundation. E-mail:




  1. Awoyinka AF, Abegunde VO, Adewusi SR. Nutrient content of young cassava leaves and assessment of their acceptance as a green vegetable in Nigeria. Plant Foods Hum Nutr. 1995 Jan;47(1):21-8. doi: 10.1007/BF01088163. PMID: 7784394.
  2. Kismul H, Van den Broeck J, Lunde TM. Diet and kwashiorkor: a prospective study from rural DR Congo. PeerJ. 2014 Apr 15;2:e350. doi: 10.7717/peerj.350. PMID: 24765584; PMCID: PMC3994641.
  3. Isabelle Dube(2009) Summary prepared by Wendy Doran, MSW, Coordinator, LupusLine and Charla de Lupus Programs (formerly Myositis Group Facilitator) and Diana Benzaia. Reviewed by Theodore Fields, MD, and Sotiria Everett, MS, RD, CDN, CSSD
  4. Énora Cléro, Françoise Doyon, Vaïana Chungue, Frédérique Rachédi, Jean-Louis Boissin, Joseph Sebbag, Larrys Shan, Carole Rubino, Florent de Vathaire(2012) cabbage, case-control studies, cassava, eating habits, protective effect, regression analysis, risk, risk reduction. Search subject for risk reduction, thyroid neoplasms, French Polynesia. Nutrition and cancer 2012 v.64 no.7
  5. 26 Amazing Benefits of Cassava.,free%20radicals%20in%20the%20body.

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