Chantal Biya doles out Christmas gifts to Ecole Publique “Les Champions” Foundation – City Mayor says she’s world’s finest philanthropists


H.E Chantal Biya through her representative, the Coordinator of the Actions of the First Lady in the Ministry of Basic Education of Chantal Biya’s Foundation in MINEDUB Mame Jaji Mbah Rose, has doled out didactic materials to over 400 school children of Ecole Publique Les Champions in Limbe.

The donation took place on Friday, December 9, 2022 at the campus of Ecole Publique Les Champions.

Speaking during the ceremony, the keynote speaker Mame Jaji Mbah Rose Coordinator of the Actions of the First Lady in the Ministry of Basic Education of Chantal Biya’s Foundation in MINEDUB said the ceremony has definitely come trigger the merriment spirit.

“This is to tell the population of Limbe and the South West Region that the  mother of the nation doesn’t forget her children.She was here in 2007 to hand over this school to the government but then, she still has good heart to hand these gifts to these children.” Mame Jaji Mbah said.

She added that, there are 10 schools in Cameroon but she has decided to start putting smiles on the faces of Limbe first.

“You see the whole school is excited and the message, on behalf of the education family, I say thank you for the little kids only God will continue to bless her and the husband and entire family.” Mame Jaji Mbah prayed.

Cross section of didactic materials donated by H. E Chantal Biya

Welcoming the representative of H.E Chantal Biya, the Coordinator Chantal Biya Foundation Madam Jaji Mbah Rose, City Mayor Paul Efome L.M Ngale said

Limbe indeed is blessed and favored in many ways. Apart from being a naturally beautiful and touristic seaside resort city, it is also privileged to be a soft spot for the brave and beautiful First Lady of the Nation.

“Chantal Biyaoh! Yes the wife of the Head of state has always openly showed her love and concern for this city. For those of us who still have fresh memory, this is the second time that First Lady Mrs. Chantal Biya is coming to the South West region and this marks the first time she is offering unforgettable moments to kids of our municipality,”

“The construction of this amazing school which we are all gathered in is thanks to her. Mrs. Chantal BIYA has revealed once again, her unmatched qualities for the promotion of education and the wellbeing of children throughout our nation Cameroon” Paul Efome said.

He added that H.E Chantal Biya is an ambassador for peace and growth of our nation who has diligently created the Chantal Biya Foundation since 1994 and has scored in bold letters the fight against poverty, sickness and misery and has also put aside exclusions of all natures in the urban and rural areas. “Without doing any publicity the entire universe knows that First Lady Mrs. Chantal Biya is one of the world’s finest and most acclaimed philanthropists of her time.” Paul Efome said.

He added that her humanitarian actions for the wellbeing of maternal and infant health, education, inclusion and empowerment of the girl child and women speak for themselves. No doubt she has been recognised for years now with the prestigious distinction of the UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador on Education and Social Inclusion

“They say behind every great man is an even greater woman. We are very confident that the Mother of the Nation has been very instrumental in supporting the successful achievements of the Head of State HIS Excellency President Paul Biya as he pilots the affairs of the state”,

“The peace-loving population of Limbe through my humble voice says a big thank you to the first Lady for this high mark of love and consideration for our city. We are indeed elated and our prayer is that the Almighty God should continue to inspire you and give you long life so that you keep up with community-impacting initiatives that you do.” City Mayor Paul Efome prayed.

He thanked the Circle of Friends of Cameroon CERAC, the Chantal Biya International Reference Center and the African Synergies for the fight against AIDS and Sufferings are just a few of your philanthropic signatures geared towards the wellbeing of the population and the vulnerable in particular.

“Today we are gathered to celebrate one of the most important moments of the year. As we all know, Christmas is in the air and this means a lot to little children”,

“By coming to light up the Christmas tree here in Limbe, Her Excellency Mrs. Chantal Biya, First Lady of the Republic of Cameroon is offering by far, the best Christmas gift ever to these children. Just as lovely and cheerful as you are Madam First Lady, you have chosen to broaden the smiles on the faces of these young scholars.” Paul Efome said.

He emphasised that The mother of the nation has done just what is expected of her and we the people of the “Town of Friendship and Opportunities” are deeply appreciative of these actions. The entire municipality of Limbe Love our First lady and shall always support her with all the energy and commitment necessary.

On his part the head teacher, Raphael Mbella Eko said, Words could not approximately convey his singular pleasure on behalf of the staff and pupils of his unique institution of learning.

Ecole Publique Le Champion Foundation Created in 2006 and was personally inaugurated on November, 29, 2007 by the First Lady and Founder of Chantal Biya Foundation, and was eventually upgraded to a Pilot Inclusive Government School with a mission to admit Pupils of all category be they those living with/without disabilities, those in the streets at School-going age and all other vulnerable children.

“This is in line with the maxim of the Chantal Biya Foundation which is, taking care of the less privileged in the society. For the current academic year, 488 pupils are enrolled, comprising 256 boys, and 232 girls; true to its uniqueness, this is one of the schools where we find more males than females, out of the 488 pupils the school is hosting 155 displaced pupils.

“For its 16 years of evolution, IGS les Champions Limbe has moved up to parallel heights in the pedagogic and co-curricular domains. May I solemnly state here that pedagogically the school has been scoring a consistent 100 percent success rate in the Government Common Entrance and First School Living Certificate examinations; and has successfully imposed its socio- cultural prowess in all public manifestations with its flamboyant rose and oxblood colors” Raphael Mbella explained.

Quizzed on his challenges said; Our classrooms of late have become too crowded and given the sanitary measures imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic and the presence of too many IDPs (Internally Displaced Pupils) in the metropolis of Limbe, we are making a strong appeal for the construction of a pedagogic block of four water-system latrines, 8 classrooms” Raphael Mbella Eko requested.

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