CPDM top notches urged to mobilise militants massively for National Day celebrations

Section presidents, mayors, parliamentarians, senators and other stakeholders of the CPDM party, have been challenged by the leader of the Fako Permanent Divisional Delegation, Hon. Monjowa Lifaka, to mobilize massively for this year’s National Day, which will be a special one.
Hon. Monjowa Lifaka was speaking during a meeting on Thursday May 11, aimed to take stock of the activities of all the seven sections in Fako, as well as set the ball rolling for the 45th National Day.
“I will like to congratulate all the presidents for the efforts they have been putting to keep the militants together. Their presence here today goes to show that the CPDM party is waxing strong in Fako Division.”

CPDM top notches urged to mobilise militants massively for National Day celebrations5
After listening to reports of the seven sections, Hon. Lifaka charged all the section presidents to be responsible for the good health of their sections: “If cell, branch and section meetings are not holding in a section, it is the duty of the section presidents to ensure that these meetings hold, and their militants attively participate.”
She also assured these stakeholders that provisions will be made for all militants to have their party gadgets on time for the May 20 event.
Meantime in his opening address, the section president for Fako 1A, Andrew Motanga Monjimba, said the meeting was very timely, given the sociopolitical upheavels in the nation.
It was however revealed during the meeting that according to ELECAM statistics, Fako Division has the least number of militants who have registered on the electoral list.
With these statistics, the leader of the Fako Permanent Divisional Delegation, challenged the section presidents to do their homework and submit favourable results to her by June 3, 2017.
Following SDF’s declaration that her militants would not take part in the National celebration, they all attested that it will be an opportunity fr the CPDM to mobilize massively to make the event worthwhile. In addition, it will be a time like no other, for VPDM militants to proof and confirm their belonging and loyalty to the party.

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